Fourteen and Homeless

8 05 2009



WASHINGTON (AFP) – The groom wore a black tuxedo, a damask-rose pink waistcoat and tie, and an ear-to-ear smile.

He picked out his wedding outfit at a mall in Virginia — his first time ever in one of the sprawling shopping centers that are monuments to consumerism in the suburban landscape across the United States.

During his 14 years living homeless on the streets of Washington, Dante White, 28, never realized that so much opulence existed. Nor had he had much luck in love in his life, having been thrown out of his mother’s home when he was just 14.

Why did his mother kick him out when he was 14?  Was he particularly naughty or criminal?

I don’t think so.  About three years ago, the answer to this question bubbled up to the surface in suburban St. Louis.  If you don’t want to follow that link, then I’ll give you a hint:  Mama had a new “boo,” and he didn’t want any potential challenges to his being the head of the household, and forced mama’s hand.  Mama picked boo over teenage son.



3 responses

8 05 2009
Define The Stock Market | Forex Enterprise

[…] Fourteen as great as Homeless « Countenance Blog […]

29 06 2009
The Human Leonite « Countenance Blog

[…] out the near-adult adolescent males of the pride, to clear away competition.  That shows up in the human realm often, too.  From the very same city, I found out this weekend that St. Louis hip-hopper and one-hit wonder […]

24 06 2011
Thirteen and Homeless « Countenance Blog

[…] Fourteen and Homeless, Sixteen and […]