
24 11 2015

Amherst, Massachusetts


The Grievance Generation

Remember the campus unrest in the 1960s? Whether you agreed with the students or not, they were protesting about things of great consequence — like civil rights, or the military draft, or the Vietnam War. They had chants like “hell no, we won’t go.” Those were the good old days.

Now we are witnessing whiney college kids marching in the streets screaming obscenities or taking over the university president’s office for what? Feeling slighted? Having their feelings hurt? Talk about rebels without a cause.

Many of you would disagree with the notion that the late ’60s college mobs and the mid-2010s college mobs are really that different.

Who’s to blame for all of this? Alas, we are. The parents who caved in to every instant gratification demand they ever had, arranged “play dates,” for them, showered them with daily positive affirmation, and gave them time-outs rather than spankings. Our schools are to blame for labeling them “gifted and talented,” and awarding them towering trophies for finishing in 6th place so as not to damage their self-esteem. The college professors who corrupt their minds with hate-America ideology and now are the administrators who cave into their every petty demand.


Yes, I admit that these complaints are made of every generation. But this one seems seriously off and we made them this way. A generation that has grown up in more affluence and personal freedom than any other in history has been taught to hate the free enterprise wealth-creation process that gave them what they want in the first place. A generation that has been drilled since pre-kindergarten that the highest virtue in life is tolerance, has suddenly become the most intolerant in history.

In other words, Stephen Moore just contradicted himself.  The people that comprised the late 1960s college mobs are the parents of the people that comprise today’s college mobs.  Like I’ve been saying, the most spoiled problem-free narcissistic generation in history spawned precisely the generation that anyone could have predicted they would; as of the present time, Millennials are picking up where Baby Boomers left off.

But, hold on.  Change is coming.

Dear Millennial:  When your parents get too old to help you, that will be the time that we in Generation X take over.  And when you start in with your trademarked Millennial whining, “nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah problematic,” we’re going to fold our arms, give you the thousand yard stare, and respond with our own trademarked generational response:  “Whatever, as if I care about your fucking problems.”  That will be what forces you to grow up, even though it will mean when you do so, you’ll actually be more mature than we are, because we’ll still be stuck on comic books and video games.



3 responses

24 11 2015
David In TN

Stephen Moore, incidentally, is one of the most fanatical “conservative immigration enthusiasts.” Open borders, as some of us have said for decades, brings in people who will go along with whatever the leftist overlords propose.

Moore is either totally oblivious to this, a disingenuous hypocrite, or just stupid.

Again, from someone who was there, the 60’s protesters weren’t all that different. The civil rights revolution was imposed from above. Nixon ended the draft and wound down the war at his own convenience.

For that matter, the “protests” slacked off after the draft and war slowed down.

24 11 2015

If there is a difference between 1968 and 2015, it is the very existence of the draft. That may be why it’s not as intense today. Another reason is that today’s mob are fighting for diminishing marginal returns fringe causes.

24 11 2015

More cuckservative crapola. The problem isn’t that the kids are indulged, the problem is institutional white-hating racism. It’s telling that the “indulged kids” behavior never strays outside of political correctness. Blaming it on the kids psychology instead of policies of white-hating racism allows the cucks at the Washington Times to whip up their fanboys without ever having to confront power.

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