
17 09 2010

Hmmm.  Tokyo Rove.  I wish I would have thought of that one.  But I still like Karl Roverrated better.

As far as that goes, I finally heard someone call conservative talk radio today and publicly doubt Rove’s chops.  The caller’s point was that George W. Bush, as congenial as he was, was only able to beat a wooden technocrat like Al Gore by the skin of his teeth, and a blue blood like John F’n Kerry but not getting 300 electoral votes, and all that was Roverrated’s “architecture.”  My point all along was that Bush won two national elections in spite of Roverrated, not because of him.  In fact, Rove almost cost him those elections.

*  NexMedia again.  Love the ending:

*  As late as January, Connecticut AG Richard Blumenthal was an all-but-nuclear-holocaust shoo-in to replace the retiring Chris “Countrywide” Dodd.  Now, Cook has Blumenthal-McMahon a toss-up.  To think, the ex-wife of the wrestling creep could topple the slickest politician in Connecticut.

West Virginia, too.  This is in spite of Gov. Joe Manchin, a moderate Democrat, having high statewide popularity.  But his big problem is that he’s linked to Obama, who wants cap-and-tax, which is going over as well as a whore farting in church in a coal state.

*  I didn’t cover WI-SEN on Wednesday, but the Republican nominee is a political newcomer in the person of Ron Johnson, who founded a plastics company.  And he’s leading Russ Feingold in the first post-primary polling, and is over 50.

Now, this being WI, I do think it’ll become a horse race.  But I think Scott Walker and Johnson, and by deduction, Tom Barett and Feingold, are hooked at the hips.  Both Republicans win, or both Democrats win.

David Paterson has a lot of nerve telling Carl Paladino to “tone it down.” After all, I think they’re both cut from some of the same cloth.

