Today’s NAACP News

12 07 2007

NAACP wants an apology from Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory, because he said, according to the Charlotte Observer via Michelle Malkin:

…too many of our youth, primarily African American, are imitating and/or participating in a gangster type of dress, attitude, behavior and action.

This is the same NAACP that “buried” the N-word earlier this week, to protest how it its representative of a self-deprecating prison and ghetto culture. Evidently, some people can call out the emperor’s nudity, while others aren’t allowed to.

Bay Buchanan’s ravaging effects on a Presidential campaign are starting to eat away at Tom Tancredo. He spoke to the NAACP’s convention in Detroit, and got loud cheers from the audience when he detailed mass immigration’s effects on wages and salaries of black American workers.

V-Dare lauded Tancredo for doing so, and wondered why Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul didn’t follow suit.

This was a stupid thing for Tancredo to do, and a stupid thing for such a usually reliable source of information and opinion like V-Dare to praise, though V-Dare has a history of pandering to blacks on the immigration issue.

You figure, there are lots of white people in many places of the country that have not yet been afflicted by mass Mexicanization, but are heavily black. So most white people in places like Mississippi, or Cleveland, Ohio, or even here in St. Louis, who don’t understand the furor over immigration because they haven’t experienced its effect, do have first-hand experience with blacks.

I think it is more likely that a white person in the state of Mississippi or Alabama, or in Cleveland, or in St. Louis, has been a victim of black crime than a victim of Hispanic crime.

What Tancredo and V-Dare have just done is to flip the bird to white people who would be on their side on the immigration issue once they experience Mexicans and Latin Americans, by endorsing the NAACP and all the crime and violence committed by the racial minority that the NAACP represents, which such white people and voters are far more likely to have experienced.

Another reason why this is an insane strategy is that, in spite of the cheers Tancredo received, representative of superficial opposition to amnesty and open borders among American blacks, both the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus support amnesty, because an increasingly Mexican population and voter base will elect more Democrats, which will accrue to the political benefit of the NAACP and the CBC. Even beyond that, black voters’ opposition to amnesty and open borders won’t mean that they won’t vote in 99% lock step for the Democrat for President in 2008, who will assuredly be for open borders and amnesty. So even the opposition by “rank and file” blacks has to be taken with a grain of salt.

Ironically, Tancredo came out for the abolition of race-based Congressional cauci in January, and now he’s speaking to a race-based private equivalent in July.

Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul did a smart thing by staying away, sorry V-Dare. Tancredo’s losing it, and Ron Paul will eventually fade when people realize that he wants to take away their Social Security checks. Hunter’s primed for a big rise.



One response

12 07 2007
Webmaster News » Webmaster News July 12, 2007 10:18 pm

[…] Today?s NAACP News NAACP wants an apology from Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory, because he said, according to the Charlotte Observer via Michelle Malkin: ?too many of our youth, primarily African American, are imitating and/or participating in a gangster type … […]