Sunday Wrap-Up

29 08 2010

*  “Boyfriend of the boy’s mother.”  Like I have said in this space, you’ll read this kind of story often.

*  Bryce Harper is onto something:  If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.  I get the feeling he’ll be driving the same 2000 Toyota Tacoma when he retires from baseball.  Toyota trucks do last quite awhile, IF you take care of them.  That and what else would you expect a 17-year old precociously-enrolled college student to drive?  A Rolls Royce?

Now, he COULD learn how to ease off on the eye black.

Leadgate?  I think the NRA was behind it, some way, some how.  As you should know by now, because you are smart enough to read this blog on a regular basis, the NRA (God Love It) is really nothing more than the lobbying arm for the domsetic small arms industry.  Ammo prices shot way up after Obama won, but in recent weeks and months, they’ve been going back down.  I was wondering what trick was going to be turned in order to drive demand and therefore prices back up.

*  Of course, most of the media got this story all wrong.  But, knock on wood, one St. Louis MSM source got the story right.

I imagine this policy came from the days when the Federal judiciary was most insane and fruit about ordering public schools around in terms of racial integration, i.e. the 1970s.  It got so bad that a Federal judge in the Cleveland, Ohio circuit ordered a Cleveland high school to have a quota of whites for the basketball team and of blacks for the baseball team.

*  Obama’s approval ratings are still high among blacks, Muslims, the media and other assorted screwballs.

*  I didn’t talk about MO-8 in my preview or review of the primaries earlier this month, but Howard Dean is apparently interested in the district.  That’s because MO-8 includes Rush Limbaugh’s home town of Cape Girardeau.  Trouble is, the district is now so big and encompasses so much of southern Missouri that it almost extends all the way to Branson.  Whatever House district would serve that area in the next decade will be even bigger if MO loses a seat at reapportionment.

Anyway, Dean thinks that Tommy Sowers has a chance.  Sowers has a few media buys on St. Louis radio, even though St. Francois and Washington Counties, (at that, the northern portions thereof), are the only areas of the St. Louis media market broadcast range that is in MO-8.  I agree with Dean that Sowers is doing exactly what he needs to do to topple the weasely open borders advocate in the person of Jo Ann Emerson, and he actually has a chance to win……if it’s two or four years ago.  But this is this year, when he hasn’t a chance in hell.

