Sunday Wrap-Up

23 02 2014


You say “Vulture Alley,” I say “Bell Curve City” and “TNB.”  Though it’s funny, they’re all paranoid about lynchings, yet they set up their dope and whore open air market on a street called Lynch.

*  They steal cars, so of course they have to go to 365Black and its drive through window that has cameras.

We’re #5.  But take it for what it’s worth, which isn’t much, considering it relies on self-reporting.

I don’t care how inappropriate Buzz Westfall’s remarks were.  This is one of the prime reasons to have the death penalty, to protect potential prosecution witnesses.

Just what Soulard needs, one week before Mardi Gras.

*  Why you mad bro?  This is how people treat possessions, inanimate objects.  When you’re done using them, you put them away, in the closet or wherever.


Carlos Slim wants more of the NYT.  I guess the NYT isn’t doing enough open borders propaganda for him, so that he has to buy a bigger share of the Times Company to get more.

*  Here’s the thing.

If you think you have a reputation as a plutocratic elitist greedy bastard, you should do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut, rather than open it up and remove all doubt.


My oh my, we’re getting very close to hatethink and crimethink.

*  Well, I hope he’ll be living here sooner rather than later.

*  What must one do to win the Trayvon Martin Social Justice Award?  Beat someone’s skull against the sidewalk until his head starts bleeding?

Good.  I’m happy.  Here’s why.

Except they’re forgetting one thing:  Almost all new black enrollments to ObamaDontCare will be Medicaid.  Which means they won’t be young healthy men paying overpriced premiums, precisely what ObamaDontCare needs from a financial standpoint.


Hate is the New Disagreeing.

This gives new meaning to “Private Dick.”

Our diversity is our…


*  “It’s time.”  Otherwise, racism.

The only thing it’s time for is to expose this movie for the fiction that it is.

You know what this means?  Mars will be Muslim-free.  And it will be pretty hard for the Muslims that remain on Earth to launch a terrorist attack on the infidels one planet away from a 34 million mile minimum.

The sound you’re hearing is me playing the world’s saddest song on the world’s most silent violin for News One.

If there would have been one black contestant here, the irony is that he or she would have picked the black history category answers, but the whites would have ringed in first with the questions.

When Democrats start dismissing something as a baseless conspiracy theory, you know there’s some meat on that bone.

If black kids don’t know what tomatoes are, there are two easy ways for them to get it:  One is to tell them that it’s the vegetable that’s cut up to make those round red things on the Big Mac, and the other is to tell them that it’s the oval-ish vegetable that’s the same color as some of their mammy’s hair weaves.

This rule won’t last long, after they find out it that it’s black players that are using this word as part of their trash talk.



One response

23 02 2014

Do a Google Street View on Lynch St in ESL between 9th and 15th. That tells you all you need to know. GSV at the corner of Lynch and 15th shows two white cops wearing camo pants and black vests with “POLICE” on them at the corner store. They wouldn’t be ESL B&Ws, because they’re white. If they were SCCSO, they’d have “SHERIFF” and not “POLICE” on the vest. Maybe they’re ISP, or B&Ws from another Metro East PD which is part of the East Side MEG.

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