Morning Cup of Coffee

24 03 2014

Your Blogmeister’s Breakfast Table

*  You read that right.  I’m not in Jefferson City this week.  The salt mines are keeping me local, which is almost as good as an outright vacation.

*  Pi Pizzeria raises its in house minimum wage to $10.10, gets a shout out from Obama, (and Pi has made pizza for Obama before).  Why do I get the feeling that there’s a big but hiding in this story?  I bet it goes something like this:  Pi already paid its lowest paid employees well more than the minimum wage, so raising them to $10.10 isn’t raising their wage by much.

*  FN gets 7% of the total vote in this weekend’s local-municipal election cycle in France, compared to the 0.9% it got in the last such cycle in 2008.  One can only hope that Marine Le Pen’s share of the national vote for President in 2017 is seven times what it was in 2012.

*  Polling:  Russia > EU in England.  Nigel Farage can just sit back and count the wins in MEP elections this summer.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some poll somewhere to show that Russia and/or Putin is more popular than America and/or Obama in America.

*  The local media are talking about Mexican meth showing up in Missouri as if it’s just starting.  When in reality it’s been going on for a few years.  Once trailer brew became almost impossible because of cold pill supply limiting legislation, the meth addicts turned the MS and Mara gangs.



2 responses

24 03 2014

I remember back around the turn of the century perhaps 2002, when the old man Le Pen came out publicly against immigration, and its child the crocodile of diversity. Islam was making a move on France and I thought perhaps there is hope for those French yet.

I had come to dislike the French because they denied Reagan when Reagan requested use of the airfields for a hit on M. Gaddafi. The nerve of those thankless buttheads.

I figured France was so liberal, so full of liberal ideology they would be the source of their own destruction.

But with 20,000 French turning out for him, I thought maybe there is hope.

However shortly thereafter, a million French came out against him publically. I then thought France falls to Islam 2035-2040. Serves them right the buttheads.

During the first decade of this new century, only BB, Bridget Bardot publically spoke out against Islam. Eventually the French government fined her.

The only Frenchmen with a pair, BB, a woman and an ex sexpot. Geesch!

So now the old man’s daughter Marie will try to save France. A modern Day Joan of Arch. Good luck to her as the French track record says they will march with the Pied Piper of liberalism, up over the precipice and into the morass of Islam. Serves them right those buttheads.

In the dichotomy of manhood achieved either by fighting other males or sexual conquest of women, France as a national spirit clearly favors the latter.

In 1871, WW1 and WW2, the Germans really kicked French butt.

Though the French are such a romantic people of the sexual kind, their birth rates are pitifully low. Islam is outbreeding them fast. Islam now defiantly shows its accruing power with religious services in public which is outlawed in France.

France is such a loser because it embraces liberalism, the ideology of the immature and the insane.

I still think France will fall to Islam by 2040. Charlie Martel, the Hammer, must be weeping in his long sleep.

If Islam can do France in 2032, it will be exactly 1300 years since good old Charlie repulsed Islam on its quest to conquer Europe.

From the Sanctuary: @
I’m PDK: Thank you.

24 03 2014

Since you’re here this week, will this finally be the week we hook up and pop wheelies on the school to prison pipeline?

Mexican meth started showing up here in JeffCo in 2006.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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