Two Stories on Cannibalism

24 03 2007

The first one is an AP story, that alludes to cannibalism, but she didn’t eat his remains:

SAO PAULO, Brazil – A Brazilian housewife was convicted and sentenced to 19 years in prison Friday for killing her husband, chopping his body into small pieces and frying it. Rosanita Nery dos Santos, 52, drugged her husband in his sleep, then stabbed him to death two years ago in Salvador, about 900 miles northeast of Sao Paulo, said police spokesman Idmar Bonfim.

She then hacked Jose Raimundo Soares dos Santos’ body into more than 100 pieces, which she boiled and fried before hiding in plastic bags beneath a staircase in her house, Bonfim said. He said police discovered the body parts after receiving an anonymous phone call.

Bonfim said the killing was either part of a black magic ritual or an attempt by the wife to collect life insurance worth about $34,000.

Mr. Santos had one fortunate thing work in his favor. His wife killed him before she could fry his part. A pit bull puppy in Atlanta wasn’t so lucky.

The other story, from LiveScience, is a study that concludes that human cannibals tend to dine alone. Obviously, the more people that see you eating another human being, the more likely it is that you’ll get caught. After all, the stars do come out only at night.



One response

25 03 2007
Fire Up The Grill « St. Louis CofCC Blog

[…] a story from Brazil covered in this space yesterday, but this one happening a little closer to home, from the AP: A […]