Ninety One Combined

24 05 2024

The Bronx

I wrote on the socials yesterday early in the afternoon:


Curb your enthusiasm, dear.

At this point, neither one of them needs to campaign in the physical on the road town to town up and down the dial sense.

Because, it’s not as if anyone doesn’t already know who they are. This Trump vs Biden race is probably a race of the two biggest known quantities of any American Presidential race since John Quincy Adams was about to leave the White House.

I’ll also let you in on something else: Just as I think that mainstream internet social media are overrated in terms of affecting elections, I think the same about things like counting [and comparing] bumper stickers, yard signs and campaign rally occurrences and total attendance.

In 2012, Romney had more events and much more attendance and much higher attendee energy than Obama, and look it how it turned out. In 2016, Trump had universes more of this than HRC, and Trump barely won.


I could add to that that in 2020, Trump actually campaigned, doing somewhat close to as many events as he did in 2016 and with the same turnout and enthusiasm and energy, and Biden stayed in his basement. Biden “won” (honk honk).

Late in the evening yesterday, I followed that up with this observation:


Earlier today I clapped back at AOC’s glee that Trump couldn’t campaign, by noting that neither Trump nor Biden need to campaign in the physical sense because they’re both ultra known quantities.

Here’s another way to look at it.

Much was made about JFK’s youth, but Richard Nixon wasn’t that much older. In fact, on election day 1960, Nixon was still only 47 years old himself, same age as I am now.

JFK and Nixon combined were 91 years 3 months 10 days old on ED 1960.

Joe Biden by himself will be 81 years 11 months 16 days old on ED 2024.

Biden and Trump combined will be 160 years 4 months 8 days old on ED 2024. Which has to be a record.

Biden, first winning a federal office in 1972. Trump, a national public figure for one or another reason since 1983.

Like I said, ultra known quantities.




7 responses

24 05 2024

It comes down to the fact that the kind of people who would go to a Presidential campaign public political rally are both a small percentage of all voters and sociologically and psychographically a different universe.

Next to nobody is showing up to see Biden speak. But he’s going to get somewhere close to half of all votes cast, for a myriad of reasons. Any given Democrat or Republican is going to get at least 40% (American Presidential politics are football games played between the 40-yard lines, so goes the old saying), doctrinaire liberals who want Democrats wielding power on GP, various people who just hate Trump that much, etc.

24 05 2024

It’s why I take the big turnout for his rallies in and close to New York as apropos of not that much.

25 05 2024
David In TN

Again, JFK’s youth didn’t hurt him in 1960. Nixon was 47. Eisenhower was 70 in 1960. Truman had been 68 in 1952. A younger man as president was a matter of course.

Funny thing, you didn’t have in 1960 the “a New Generation” trumpeting there was in 1992. JFK harped on it some, but not to the extent it was during the Clinton-Gore campaign.

It’s interesting there wasn’t much “We need a new generation” talk this year.

The Trump boosters think drawing a crowd in the Bronx means a lot.

26 05 2024
David In TN

Yes, the Diet of Worms is a good historical comparison.

Donald Trump is the ultimate Great White Defendant. Too bad Tom Wolfe didn’t live to see it.

These Trump prosecutions have reminded me of Nifong going after the Duke Lacrosse players in order to win an election. And become a hero to the media establishment. There’s now what seems like a regiment of Nifongs, which is what Soros intended.

I’m also reminded of Jim Garrison prosecuting an innocent man for the JFK assassination.

28 05 2024
David In TN

The Democrats aren’t having a convention, but a “virtual roll-call.” They remember 1968 and don’t want Hamas demonstration-riots.

It was impossible for Thomas Dewey to beast FDR in 1944 with the war still on. Dewey would have won if the election had been in 1946. The Democrats were wiped out in the 1946 congressional elections.

29 05 2024

However, Dewey “had it in the bag” in ’48.

Truman holding up the copy of the C-Trib with the headline “DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN” was at St. Louis Union Station.

30 05 2024
David In TN

The Verdict has been announced. Guilty on all counts.

Trump was as likely to be acquitted by a New York City jury as O.J. Simpson was to be convicted by a downtown Los Angeles jury.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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