
11 09 2011

Visited my uncle late this morning at JB.  This is the same uncle I usually visit every Memorial Day.  Not that you could ever call a Veterans’ Cemetery “crowded,” but the patronage at JB late this morning was almost as high as it is on any given Memorial Day, so a lot of other St. Louisans had the same idea I did.

What is sorta ironic about what I did and why I did it this morning is that after the War of 1812, the grounds that are now JB were seriously considered for a new inland national capital of the United States.

It only aired once on TV.

If you would have told me ten years ago today that Anheuser-Busch would sell out at some point in the next decade, I would have called you crazy.  Then again, if someone would have told me that we would have a black President ten years later, I would have called the police and had them committed.  Barack H. Obama, Jr., then an Illinois State Senator, was only 13 months removed from not being able to get a floor pass to the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles for a lack of real political connections, and having his own credit card rejected in the same city when he tried to rent a car.

Relevant news items:

Unreleased video footage taken by search and recovery teams at Ground Zero in the days after.

Bloomberg wants us to stop calling Ground Zero by that moniker.  Maybe we should eventually, but it would help if there were a functioning building open to the public on that site.  The good news is that One WTC is coming along rather nicely.

The children in the classroom where President Bush was reading when he found out are now themselves almost grown men and women.

I don’t know him personally, but my D.C.-based cousin, much more a roadgeek than I, used to chat with Jeff Kitsko frequently.  Search for “Shanksville PA” on Google, and Kitsko’s Shanksville page on his Pennsylvania Roadgeek site is sitll a top five search result.

Speaking of Shanksville and United 93, I have been (or was) comfortable in the personal conclusion that both the “Let’s Roll” story and Air Force jets shooting it down were true.  Now they can’t both be true, but what I mean by that is that both those things happened, it’s only a matter of which thing happened first in order to take United 93 down.  If “Let’s Roll” never happened, then the Air Force missiles would have.

Now we find out that the F-16s heading toward United 93 had no missiles, so their pilots were ordered to ram directly into the Boeing 757 Kamikaze-like.  That means three things:  One, on September 11, 2001, we had no Air Force jets with live missiles based domestically, two, “Let’s Roll” is what ultimately took U93 down, and three, we now know why the Feds were so evasive on answering questions about the Air Force and U93 — I guess they wanted to wait to admit to us that Kamikaze was their only option, as far as they knew.

Speaks for itself.  Pay close attention to the end — The EDL showed up, and the cops seemed to want to get them out as soon as possible to let the radical Muslims protest.  There’s no England now.

We haven’t learned much, either.  The money quote from Mark Steyn, IMHO:  On a day when all the fancypants money-no-object federal acronyms comprehensively failed — CIA, FBI, FAA, INS — the only bit of government that worked was the low-level unglamorous municipal government represented by the Fire Department of New York.

If I were elected President, my first order of business on the morning of January 21 would be to fire the entire CIA and NSA.  In our damned hour of need, they either couldn’t see or wouldn’t see 9/11 coming.  I would hold those two agencies collectively responsible for 9/11.  My postscript would be this:  We tried to do things their way, and their way failed.  Now we’re going to do things my way.

This has been news locally for almost two weeks, but I wanted to save it for this day.  Organized Muslims upset that a locally-produced coloring comic book dares to suggest that Muslims had anything to do with 9/11.

