Mo Money

15 11 2013


Not content with wasting his own money on black Africa and their American diaspora, Bully Gates wants a whole country to waste its money on Africa.

Which country?

Thankfully for now, not the country that used to be ours.




5 responses

15 11 2013

I want to believe that he is using guile to fund projects that will stop the madness of Africa’s population growth so that Europe and other parts of Western culture will not be invaded by them.

But he sure seems to be a bit naive about the danger of Africans. I hope to surprised in the future to learn that he knows what he is doing.

15 11 2013

Africa for Norway:


15 11 2013

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15 11 2013

Reblogged this on vikingbitch's Blog and commented:
Bill Gates is a misguided bully. How dare he. He has more than enough money. Why doesn’t he use HIS money to alleviate the problems in Africa if he is so damned concerned.

Bill Gates is not a philanthropist. He is a deluded baby boomer who hates White European culture. He is a globalist plutocrat and New World Order bully who wishes to plunder Norway and comitt White Genocide.

I used to work as a school counselor and remember calling his lousy foundation asking why it didn’t have money for white students who wanted to go to college.

No answer. But I know… He is a race traitor.

16 11 2013
Norweigian Woody

Why would Norway want to listen to Bill Gates about anything other than IT matters? Oh, yeah, its traitorous collectivist politicians. I believe, if news accounts are correct, even the queen of Norway is a pinko. If the Norwegian government thinks it has too much money, why not spend it to pay for all their African an Mohammedan freeloaders to go back to where they came from? That would be an investment, so to speak.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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