Morning Cup of Coffee

21 01 2014

Your Blogmeister’s Hotel Room

*  Last year’s Super Bowl was brother versus brother (head coaches).  This year’s will be doobie versus doobie (recent pot legalization states).

*  Re Richard Sherman:  IDGAF either way.  So what some jock hopped up on his own competitive juices beat his chest and yelled and screamed in front of a camera that he got the better of another jock, based on the personality feud between the two of them that started at a charity golf game.

To me, Andrew Cuomo’s much more softly spoken invocation that “conservatives” are not welcome in New York State is much more offensive to me than Mr. Sherman’s outburst.  Andrew Cuomo has real political power and the authority to order people armed with badges and guns around, Richard Sherman does not.  I can turn Richard Sherman off.  But I can’t just turn off the state government’s executive branch if I was in NYS.

*  Even though I’m in Jefferson City for four days a week during most of the legislative session, I get to go home on weekends.  Over this past weekend, I had to fix a problem on my mother’s computer.  It involved me restarting her browser at the point where it crashed, and she was watching some YouTube video that was a clip of some made for TV movie awhile back.  On it, it had an advertisement for some show called “Mother at Sixteen” shown in honor of “Hispanic Heritage Month.”  I kid thee not.

That’s like running a First 48 marathon in honor of Black History Month.  Or, in an example I’ve actually seen, putting ramen noodles in the ethnic foods aisle of the grocery store.

*  Some leftist mag is worried about the high cigarette smoking rate among LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH.

I’m just curious about the intersectionality of it all.  Anti-tobacco and being pro-LGBTQMIAPDLOLPLPLTH are both big leftist crusades.

*  There was a strictly enforced no-phone and no-camera policy at Blackie O’s star-studded 50th birthday party over the weekend.  They didn’t want photos of all the opulence getting out there in a time when the economy is still very shaky and her husband and his party is popping off about income in equality.

This is ironic.  Four words:  Dover Air Force Base.

*  Aborticide Barbie, Wendy Davis, ditched her second sugar daddy husband after he paid her final law school tuition bill.

Which means that while they were married, their house was really the best little whore house in Texas.

None of this matters.  She never had a prayer to win anyway.



4 responses

21 01 2014

Wow, is that true about Wendy Davis? Horrible. What a mercenary.

22 01 2014
21 01 2014

Andrew Cuomo

Also G***n B***r.

Dover Air Force Base

I think you’re talking about pictures of returning caskets.

21 01 2014
Stan D Mute

RE: Da Supa Bow
My question of the day: What self-respecting white man would CARE about ANY feetsball game? Sports (bassetbah and feetsbah) has become nothing more than a tool of the cultural Marxist to demean and destroy traditional America and Americans. If I won’t allow a gold grilled thug into my home, why would I allow it on my television? If you wouldn’t let your wife or daughter get into a car with a few dreadlocked hoodlums, why are you helping fund their promotion and advertisement by watching this garbage? And “college” affaletix and affaweets are WORSE. To call them “students” is a mockery of higher education when at least half of them can’t even read at a junior high school level. Yet you watch and cheer when these illiterates run around with a ball on behalf of Stanford or University of Michigan or Northwestern? YOU are a BIG part of the problem. When the USA becomes Brazil, look directly into your mirror and give a big cheer! Go Stanford! It would make more sense to have these sports as PRISON teams than college teams. Go San Quentin Rapists!

Stan D Mute

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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