
20 03 2024


He is low key the most important person in Germany that nobody outside of Germany knows about. Because he, ugly AF that he is, is the interior minister for NRW. Meaning that he, or any NRW interior minister, controls both police and prosecutors for Germany’s most populous federal state.

But, onward and upward.

This hot air about “we failed at integration” is usually the continental European establishmentarian mashup of mea cupla and CYA. And a way they think they can politically hold back Remigration style solutions.

However, in this particular case and subject matter, it doesn’t even make any sense.

What “integration” do you need for “violent crime is immoral and illegal?”

Are these “migrants” coming from countries where violent crime is totally legal?

Spoiler alert: No.

Even the most primitive people on Earth, such as undiscovered Amazon jungle tribes, have some sense of right and wrong.

The only open variables are how capricious and/or competent and/or judicious the enforcement of precepts against violent crime winds up being per country or tribe, and also how faithful given people and given groups of people are at following through on these moral precepts. Some are better than others, and some are worse than others, as we all know.

It’s not as if “violent crime is wrong” is some fine point of nuance of relativity between the customs of one country and another that can only ever be an object of thought or interest of the world’s most sophisticated diplomatic corps.

I needed “integration lessons,” in my case, learned as I went, to figure out the differences in the ways Germans treat alcohol versus Americans. But I came here already knowing that murder is wrong.



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