His Real Crime Was Procreating

21 04 2014

North County





2 responses

22 04 2014
r j p

One neighbor said he knew the family and was just praying everything would be okay.
“Just a sad situation,” said that neighbor. “Good family, just a sad situation and hopefully everything works out for him. “

Dad’s smoking pot, mom’s passed out, and the two rugrats are playing with a loaded 12 gauge. Yep, a good All American fambily.

Growing up in the middle of nowhere, we knew guns weren’t things you played with, and you never pointed a gun at some one.

I am assuming it had to have been shot from the hip (negro style) because I seriously doubt a 4 year old could shoulder a 12 gauge.

I think I was 8 when I got my BB gun. Probably 12 when I got a 22. Maybe 14 when I got a 410. My cousin would come over to our place to hunt, I wasn’t into hunting, don’t like game, so I was just a target shooter.

I used to joke that all we West Virginians had a shootin car in our backyard. A old dead car to shoot at when we got drunk on shine. I think some people actually believed that story. I miss being a kid in West Virginia.

22 04 2014

Can you imagine yourself having that Hollywood liberal moment, the guess who’s coming to dinner moment, (a movie from 67), and your white daughter brings a Larry Madison home to dinner?

Unfortunately, that is, what is, transpiring in our white world thanks to the unrelenting machinations of white liberal ideology and the negro buck’s natural sexual gluttony melded to his lust for our young white women.

The insane white liberal ideology machine is now a juggernaut.

A Hollywood non-liberal, non-apostate white movie needs be made, guess who is separating out and away to secede via declaring independence by abrogation?

Time to start thinking now said the ant to the grasshopper.

From the Sanctuary, @ http://the-pdk.blogspot.com/
I’m PDK: Thank you.

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