We’re Closer Than We Think

29 09 2014


Instapundit linked to this Hot Air piece, the kind which I know most of you have read hundreds of times before.

I left this comment at Instapundit, which I am pleased to see has three likes so far:

Here’s something that bothers me here.

If you read these comments here on this Instapundit thread, and the comments over at the Hot Air article, not only do most people leaving comments get it, the comments read like the high quality comments that would have been written if this story was an American Renaissance thread.

What frustrates me, though, is that in spite of that, most people here and at Hot Air are still spinning their wheels in the muck and mud of the laughable joke that is the useless incompetent “right” in this country and the Stupid Party that “represents” it.

Yes, we’re mad at the black undertow and obvious plain as the nose on your face media double standards. So what do most of us do? YAY RED TEAM on election day. And what does that get us? Rand Paul, who, in case you haven’t notice, is getting worse and worse with his black pandering by the month.

Plain words, the Republican Party by and large isn’t going to do anything about these kinds of problems.

But there’s another more fundamental reason why we’re stuck in the mud. As long as the official right is neoconservative slash lamestream conservative slash right-libertarian slash classical liberal slash Lincolnian-egaliatarian, the official right will be mostly useless in trying to combat the black undertow and media double standards. That’s because we’re responding to tribal problems by leaning on ideology instead of being tribal ourselves. We delude ourselves into thinking that our enemies are ideologically inclined instead of what they really are, tribally inclined. Therefore, we’re stuck with ideological responses when we should be engaging in tribal responses.

That means, among other things, the official right should be far less ideological and far more ethnonationalist.

BTW, what good will the Republican Party do us when it comes to these problems when their official summer get-togethers are called LINCOLN Days?

I think the reason that so many people getting it has not yet resulted in quality change in public policy is that most of us are still living under the delusion that we can vote our way out of our racial problems.  Aside from what I wrote in the comment.



5 responses

29 09 2014
David In TN

Excellent comment. You still have someone named “Crawf,” wimper, “What are you talking about ‘black undertow?”

Probably a Red Team booster or maybe a Rockwellian.

29 09 2014

This has always been the way it is with me, going back to middle school.

That which I write and take a lot of care in writing, proofreading multiple times, spending a lot of time and effort to write — Crickets, meh.

That which I let roll off my fingers, hurriedly so, little if any proofreading, like the comment I wrote at Instapundit — People rant and rave over it, they think it’s that good. It’s even good enough for a quibcag. Really, I think those kinds of things I write are crummy by my standards. Except my standards must come from bizarro world.

The day job has me doing a fair amount of collaborative writing, though not a whole hell of a lot, and even there, it’s the same thing.

29 09 2014

I have reprinted you and quibcagged your quote here:

29 09 2014

I’d pop some champagne if I was still drinking.

1 10 2014
Stan D Mute

“It” will happen on a schedule we cannot foretell because rational cause/effect no longer applies. Everything we see and hear is a product of manipulation. The financial markets, what we would logically think of as the trigger, have been irrational for some time now. Paul Craig Roberts, a sometimes amazingly astute observer, has a piece up on Unz right now regarding China and Russia restraining themselves when they could bring our house of cards tumbling down whenever they choose. We know the Fed’s behavior should have us in a hyper-inflation, but the only place its apparent is in equities. Gold and silver haven’t moved in over a year and gold is today where it was in 2010. Four years printing a trillion five each year and gold hasn’t moved? Why are China/Russia holding their fire, especially in the face of open hostility (Russia)? And how long will this detente hold? Is it even possible to guess at the motivation and strategy of those forces manipulating our economy?

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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