2008 Missouri Primaries in Review

6 08 2008

Nothing went right for me yesterday.  Not a single thing I wanted in a contested race happened.  The raw results, if you care or dare.


Recommendation:  Steelman
Prediction:  Ibid
Results:  Hulshof 49.2, Steelman 44.7

Analysis:  I’m going to ask you in advance to pardon my French.

The reason Sarah Steelman lost is that, so atypical of herself, and in spite of her Barbie Doll reputation, she came across in this campaign as a bitch.  And that probably turned off just enough women to make the diff.

Jay Nixon might as well measure for curtains now, because it’ll be at least a 20-point win over Hulshof.  The issues where Nixon is vulnerable on (Medicaid, Immigration) are the ones that Hulshof wouldn’t dare touch.


Recommendation:  Hodge
Prediction:  Kinder
Results:  It was an incumbent versus two nobodies.  What would you expect?

Analysis:  Sam Page won a crowded D-field easily.  Other than that, not much to say.  I won’t vote for either one of them in November.


Recommendation: Donnelly
Prediction:  None given
Results:  Koster 34.3, Donnelly 34.0

Analysis:  Not much more to say.  Obviously, it’ll be a little harder now for Gibbons to win.  UPDATE 8/10:  Maybe not — looks like there’s a swarm of improprieties surrounding Koster, plus liberal anger at a former Republican winning AG-D, meaning that he was the more beatable “Democrat” all along.


Recommendation:  Loudon
Prediction:  None given
Results:  Cunningham 46.3, Loudon 38.1, St. Onge 15.7

Analysis:  I guess that’s the way the voters in West County want it — Deseg now, Deseg tomorrow and Deseg forever.


Recommendation:  Haas
Prediction:  None given
Results:  Haas wins a crowded field by 10 points

Analysis:  I don’t think Bill Haas even lives in the 2nd, as he lives the city (I think) and none of the city is in the 2nd.  Either way, Akin will win a 5th term easily.  UPDATE:  P-D confirms that he lives in the CWE.


Recommendation:  Greg Zotta
Prediction:  None given
Results:  Sander 41.7, Tucker, 31.4, Zotta 13.6, Ertmann 13.3

Analysis:  The only candidate with any semblance of money (Sander) won.  Ertmann had a great platform, too, so I wasn’t about to argue with anyone who preferred him to Zotta.  As it is, these are all sacrificial lambs for the Carnahan World Empire.


Recommendation:  Onder
Prediction:  Onder or Leuktemeyer
Results:  Leuktemeyer 39.7, Onder 29.0, Danie Moore 19.5, Brock Olivo 10.1, Dan Bishir 1.6

Surprisingly, Steve Gaw didn’t win the D side, so Blaine Leuktemeyer will face Judy Baker, whoever that is.  Actually, she’s vacating REP-25 in Columbia to run for MO-9.  We already had a Congressman from Columbia, look how well that turned out.

Oh, and, Mr. Olivo?  As your University of Missouri education might have taught you, you can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you gotta do a little better than one in ten.


Results:  Both Sheriff Murphy and Treasurer Williams beat back opponents with more than 70% of the vote each.

Analysis:  Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?


No, we’re not talking about a Twilight Zone reversal of the 1980 U.S. Senate election in Missouri.  Their progeny are coming into their own.  Gene McNary’s son, Cole McNary, won REP-86-R, the seat being vacated by Jane Cunningham.  Tom Eagleton’s nephew, Steve Eagleton, was reeled in by Steve Trout in SEN-15-D, for the seat being vacated by Michael Gibbons.


I didn’t give any predictions or recommendations here, because that’s the eastern city district, and both the candidates were people of color.  However, the one difference between the two candidates is that Robin Wright Jones and Rodney Hubbard fought each other on the vouchers issue, with Miss Jones being bankrolled by M-NEA front groups, and Hubbard by Rex Sinquefield.  Jones won, by about 100 votes, or a 1% margin.  Robin Wright Jones is Virvus Jones’s daugther.


Rochelle Walton Gray easily won REP-81-D, and why not?  Her opponent was nothing but a “Krank.”  And in REP-88-R, Andrew Koenig easily “Shamed” his nearest opponent.

