Fun With Jocks Behaving Badly On Teams Playing Badly

7 10 2009

Politico:  Axelrod meets with Ailes

It was one of those offers he couldn’t refuse.

SIL:  Carbondale Council to consider new Walgreens

Most states have a law that requires that there be a Walgreens at every perpendicular intersection of major streets.  I’m glad Carbondale is about to comply.

AP:  Cabrera tells Tigers he’s sorry for being drunk

He’s apologizing to a team that blew a 7-game division lead in four weeks.  He’s not the one that should be apologizing first, and not the only one getting drunk.

NYP:  Jets trade for Braylon Edwards

Now there’s his reward for behaving badly, being traded to a much better team.

Slashdot:  MIT Axes the 500-Word Application Essay

It’s just as well, 500 words of geekspeak probably translate to about 4,800 words of regular English, but zero of Ebonics.

CNS:  Former Olympic Swimmer Concerned About Olympic Athletes Swimming in Untested Waters Off Brazil

They should be more concerned about walking into the unwashed masses of Rio’s gangland.

UK Telegraph:  Public unrealistic on police protection, says official guidelines

So that means the average Briton is on his or her own, with only his guns for protection?  Err, scratch that last part.  You’re dead, Limey.

New York Newsday:  Shouts, insults fly at Rep. Israel’s health care town hall

Probably held it in the town of Palestine.

P-D:  New program brings hope to homeless

Do you remember when programs brought homes to the homeless?  I know, it’s been a long time.

P-D:  Reparations discussed in the context of justice and patriotism

Check that, it should be repatriations discussed in the context of justice and patriotism.

Slashdot:  NASA Discovers Giant Ring Around Saturn

Four centuries late to the party.

