He’ll Live. (Too Bad)

6 03 2011


Jesse White: Martin Luther King, Jr. statue vandalism ‘reprehensible’

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Vandals fired yellow paint-balls at a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr. located near the Illinois statehouse, Secretary of State Jesse White’s office announced Friday.

The Illinois Secretary of State Police is investigating the vandalism, which was reported around 7 a.m.

According to a statement from White’s office, no other statue or structure in the capitol complex was damaged. The statue has been cleaned and no permanent damage was sustained.

“I find it reprehensible that anyone would seek to denigrate the legacy of Dr. King in any way,” White said in a statement. White was personally associated with King, when he attended Alabama State College, where King was his minister.

Yes, how dare you peons actually criticize him, his advocacy, the consequences of his actions or his personal life (he was a Christian minister after all), in any way, either by way of rational thought, or by way of yellow paintballs.  BTW, the paint used in paintballs is even lousier than the water-based junk they expect you to paint your interior rooms with these days, and have since 1978.  It didn’t take much to clean the statue, btw.  In fact, even without rain any time in the next week, it would have dissolved and evaporated.

Why does the Secretary of State’s Office have its own separate police department?  There’s the ISP, there’s the Springfield City P.D., and I’m sure the State Capitol has a P.D.  No wonder Illinois is in a budget mess.  Thankfully, they won’t be solving their budget mess on my back.

