Sunday Wrap-Up

6 03 2011

By-election in the Barnsley Central constituency last week.  That is in about the geographical middle of England.

The district is safe Labour, and so obviously Labour held it.  They increased their percentage from May.  The shocking news is that the UKIP finished in second place, ahead of the third-place Tories, and the BNP finished in the same 4th place it did in May, but two slots ahead of the LD candidate.  In percentage terms, the UKIP was way up, and the BNP was slightly down.

The perp is an MS-13, but the victim’s name sounds black.  It is said that the perp “mistook” the victim for “a rival Blood,” so that’s further proof.

My point here is that this bolster’s George Grier’s case that he was engaged in self-defense.

*  It’s not often I can extract both a Karma Alert (TM) and an Irony Alert (TM) out of the same news story.

This is what happens when you sell your kook left news aggregator to the jettisoned arm of a media conglomerate for some nice coin, and get yourself a seven-figure executive job as part of the deal.  The drones start thinking “collective bargaining,” with all the spirit of Madison.  Wisconsin, not James, that is.

Why are we putting 24-year olds and 15-year olds into the same box for a sex survey?  24 is WAY different than 15, such that the sex lives of 24-year olds should be scrutinized way differently (i.e. less) than that of 15-year olds.

Somehow, I really don’t feel sorry for the 15-year old young man in question.  You beat up a 12-year old girl, and something bad SHOULD happen to you.

All the parties are white, BTW.  British media confirm.  This happened in east central Mississippi, one of the whiter parts of the state.

Alpine, N.J. has the fourth most expensive neighborhood in AmericaIt also has the still-standing first FM radio tower in the United States, an Edwin Armstrong-built lattice tower that he finished in 1937.  It transmitted several NYC TV stations’ over the air signals after 9/11, as all of NYC’s big stations xmited from atop WTC 1 and 2.  The reason I’m mentioning this is because the people who live in that area have whined about that tower drawing down their property values.  I know what they mean — But for it, Alpine, N.J. would the THE most expensive block in the country — Don’t you feel it, too?

*  “Paideia” — That’s Swahili for “you give me money to spend on kids and I’ll take the money and spend it on me.”

While in Rome

I know exactly how this movie is going to turn out.  It’s Massachusetts, so they’ll get what they want.  And when the cops want to find the guns, and the punch up a map of all the wrong guns used in the wrong places in the wrong ways by the wrong people, all the dots will correspond very nicely to similar maps of Boston that plot the city’s black and Hispanic population.  After that, then you won’t hear a peep about this program anymore — They’ll quietly repeal it.

NYT discovers:  Carol Mostly Fraud had a reality distortion field.  Quite frankly, so did four other candidates not named “Rahm.”

*  Civility Watch: regular wants to lynch the Koch Brothers.  If that happens, and the Tea Party Movement keeps on growing stronger than ever, then it’ll only prove what I’ve been saying all along, that (A) The TPM is not Koch astrotrufing, and (B) The left wing has worked itself into the psychotic paranoid delusion that it is, precisely because they’re projecting their own Soros-financed selves on everyone else.  IOW, they can’t fathom the reality that there are genuine grass roots movements out there that don’t need a Daddy Warbucks, and (C) The kook leftists who actually do the deed will be murderers on top of fools.

*  What a surprise, what a shock:  Jay-Z’s hip hop empire was built on the proceeds from dealing and transporting crack and powder cocaine.  Mr. Z (born Shawn Corey Carter) avoided major prison time on several occasions.

Tell me again about that white skin privilege?

History lesson.

