Fun With the Obvious and the Oblivious

27 05 2011

Moonbattery:  Progressive Parents Raise Genderless Baby

Eventually, the kid will get old enough to look down and see what sort of plumbing is there.

AP:  Kept in chains: Mental illness rampant in Somalia

That’s sorta like saying that dampness is rampant in an ocean.

Yahoo Sports:  Kyle Busch flagged for driving 128 mph … in a 45-mph zone

Newsflash:  NASCAR driver drove fast.

P-D:  First-degree murderer registry sent to Quinn

In certain parts of Chicago, this registry will be used more often than a wedding registry.

Daily Mail:  Mama Grizzly strikes again: Sarah Palin ‘furious’ at Bristol’s new Disney Show star [black] boyfriend

Wouldn’t it be ironic if Kyle Massey were found to be some distant relative to Allen West?  Watch Sarah Palin’s brain blue screen in earnest.

McClatchy:  Racism to blame for Obama’s problems, key Democrat says

It’s Jim Clyburn.  He thinks racism is to blame for every problem.

