Saturday Wrap-Up

10 09 2011


P-D profiles school districts’ “border enforcement” policies.  In passing, it mentions that the East St. Louis district is requiring that all its students, both new and established, prove their residence.

Who in the HELL would want to sneak into the ESL District illegally?

*  Uh huh.  I kinda figured she had a personal motive.

She’s a municipal bonds broker.  Her job depends on people in the bond market having a high esteem of local governments’ credit worthiness.  Though S&P downgrading the Feds had nothing to do with local governments, if the Feds have a harder time borrowing money, then they won’t be able to spend as much money, ergo local governments won’t get the Federal grants they’re accustomed to getting now, and that will hurt their credit ratings.

Lambert might not survive if the Chinese Aerotropolis deal doesn’t happen?  Gee, that makes you former Bridgetonites feel a little better, doesn’t it?  Lambert just had to have that new runway that’s practically empty.

*  Speaking of Bridgeton…Can I draw any racial implications from this?  All I know is that food trucks, especially taco trucks, are really popular in areas where there are big Hispanic populations.

I suppose those were rather poor locks.  I can tell you this much — If they tried this at any gym that I am or have been a member of, they would have been noticed.

I’m not surprised that the former Miss Bush opted for a hyphenated name.  Who wants run around with the name “Lauren Lauren?”

*  News pops up in the damndest places — The NBC affiliate in COLUMBUS, OHIO insinuates that the Greyhound Bus shooting in Springfield was a racial hate crime.  None of the media sources in St. Louis or in Southwest Missouri did.  I don’t think this bus was destined for the Ohio capital, so what interest the NBC station there had in this, I don’t know.  But I’m glad they did.


*  Greco-Roman:  Why would school districts go through all the time and trouble to implore students who obviously don’t want to be in school to come to school?

It’s all Greek to me.

Actually, it’s not Greek, it’s Latin:

Per capita, per diem.


Don’t know about this.  Governor Walker and Attorney General Van Hollen seemed to be ready to use the hate crime statutes, though they took their good ole sweet time into indicating as such.  But when something calling itself “national socialist” comes to town asking for the same, it’s only going to scare the dorkpublicans away.  There’s a part of me that makes me think this is all a false flag operation from the left trying to discredit the politicians from applying hate crimes charges in this matter.

If they’re going to do that, then they should dig up Lee and Jackson and give their Earthly remains to some town that cares.

Another flash rob, this time in Chicago.  By black flash rob standards, this was a small crowd.  Again, though, a white victim — Just a coincidence, isn’t it?

*  Hey, whaddaya know — Dr. Dre is still important enough such that blacks to shoot other blacks.

*  Sure enough, this cocoa puff was cuckoo.  You might be surprised to find out that marijuana was involved.

*  I was thinking, this might have turned out way differently and much worse if Mr. Eels lived on campus.

*  I wrote earlier in this space that while I wasn’t really concerned with the repeal of DADT, the only thing precluding me from advocating its repeal is that I knew it wouldn’t stop there.

Like I said…

*  F&F:  Grenades, too.

It won’t be long before we find out that Obama, Holder et al. gave or wanted to give nuclear weapons to the Mexican drug cartels, probably to reduce nuclear proliferation.

Why?  I-M-M-I-G…you know the rest.  Lowering the wage equilibrium for everyone.

*  True, denser cities tend to have higher wages, but they also have far higher housing costs and other sorts of living costs.  So you’re worse off in a dense city.

The Machiavellian politics of gerrymandering:  Though Kansas did not gain or lose any House seats as a result of the 2010 Census, a heavily Republican state government is responsible for re-drawing the boundaries of its four existing districts.  Between 2006 and 2010, Democrats held two of the four districts in the state, which was a real aberration in a deep red state like Kansas.  To prevent that, the legislature is dividing up the liberal university town of Lawrence (University of Kansas) between two different Congressional districts, so that there aren’t enough liberals in one district to make a district go blue even during a blue wave election year.

I agree with the conclusion.  I just don’t agree with the reasoning.  The real answer?  You can’t build a first world competitive economy with a population of third world people.

Bank of America might shed some 40,000 jobs.  But here we go again — The story is dateline Bangalore, a city which I predict will have a lot more jobs, for some inexplicable reason.

The United States won’t allow white Canadians who have threatened suicide south of the 49th.  Brown “Canadians” who want to commit suicide bombings against embassy buildings and military posts?  They can come right on in.

The Cheap Labor Express, it just keeps rollin’ on.


May I suggest a third option?  All these European countries could have their own separate currencies.  You know, like they did until the late 1990s.

*  So let me get this straight:  He thinks that the riots happened because British prisons are too tough.

The only way they could be any more lenient is if they didn’t exist at all.

*  WikiLeaks:  Nigeria is pretty much part of the Caliphate now.

*  WTF?  This almost looks like a state funeral.

Yeah, we know, he was turning his life around.  We get enough of that bullshit on this side of the pond.

*  Kinda frightening, that there are enough Somalians in London such that you can go there to help fill the ranks of a Somalian government.  (See also:  Minneapolis, Stockholm, Oslo…)

