Fun With Kyrie Eleison

13 09 2011

WBBM-CBS-2 Chicago:  Islamic-American Group: Link Between 9/11, Muslim Religion Must Stop

That’s right.  Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11.  It was all the fault of those damned Presbyterians.

Daily Mail:  The hip hop cop shop: Police opened fake rap music store and snared 30 gangsters for drugs and gun offences

Now, what sort of evil racial profiling would lead cops to believe that hip hop and drug/gun/gang crimes have any strong correlation?

UK Telegraph:  Thousands of inmates to be called “Mister” under prison service rule

WTF?  Might as well call them “Your Excellency.”

5:  SpongeBob in hot water from study of 4-year-olds

In my day, Voltron was causing all the kids’ problems.

Daily Mail:  Are the Tweets paved with gold? London hedge fund uses social network to ‘see the future’

Using Twitter to see the future?  That means our future is one ruled jointly by an immature barely pubescent man child and an oversexed out-of-work lush who calls losing “winning.”

NRA:  New Mexico: Village of Ruidoso Violates Constitutional Preemption!

I wonder whatever happened to that obnoxious Pink Flamingo woman.


In dedication to one of my headlines above, here’s a musical blast from the past:

