Hard Row to Hoe

14 09 2011

I looked up NY-9’s previous election results on Wikipedia.  Since 2002, the first election under the previous decade’s district boundaries, the Democrat (Anthony Weiner) won by margins of 31.4, 42.6 and 21.6 points, in the circumstances where there was a Republican opponent, in 2002, 2004 and 2010, respectively.  In 2006, Weiner was unopposed, and in 2008, he only had a token third party opponent.  In 2010, Weiner’s 21.6 point victory was over Bob Turner.

Sure, Democrats, NY-9 is really difficult for you.  It never used to be, but it is now.

Netting it all out:  Democrats lost the Schumer seat, not even two years after they lost the Kennedy seat.



One response

15 09 2011
Everybody’s Got to Step in Doggy Doo « Countenance Blog

[…] pandering to the Palestinian lumpenproletariat and their precious “peace process” never bothered them before.  Proof:  It’s the economy, […]