The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Obama

22 09 2011

I’m finally clearing out my reading backlog.  This book came out late last summer, and in fact, Laura Ingraham has written and released another book since then.  So The Obama Diaries is old news.

Something about TOD strikes me as just not right.

If you’re Team Obama and all his drones, and you sincerely believe that you’re all a bunch of evil Machiavellian rat bastards that want to all-but-communize America slash we’re even worse than the right wingers’ worst invective about us BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!, would you be so dumb as to write these things down in a medium which can so easily be absconded, like dead tree and ink diaries?  If you’re Joe Biden, and you’ve got really nothing going for you in the dating game should Jill Biden dump your ass, would you create a paper trail to your own statements saying that your wife is 60 years old but doesn’t look a day over 58, and that she’s lucky to have you for a husband?

If you’re some supposed secret black hat type that works in the White House, and you want to expose Team Obama’s private diaries to the world, what would give you the notion to put photocopies of all the pages in a plain manila envelope and put the envelope on top of Laura Ingraham’s car in a parking garage, then, Deep Throat-style, wait around for her and give her a clandestine verbal message?  Laura Ingraham, not even in the Top 5 of conservative talk radio ratings, and whose only TV face time is filling in for O’Reilly?  Why not someone more important in the conservative media?

And just how do the private diaries of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, HRC and Vladimir Putin end up being in the White House at all for this “Deep Throat” supposed person to pilfer along with those of Obama, Michelle, Biden, Mother Robinson, Rahm, Axelrod, Plouffe, Desiree Rogers, Gibbs, Summers, Reggie Love, Jarrett, Orszag, et al.?

Sorry, but this whole book and the whole idea sounds way too Protocols-y to me.

These so-called “diaries” seem to describe Team Obama and others not in the way they describe themselves, but in the way we, their critics, describe them.  That only means one of two things:  Either Laura Ingraham made them up out of thin air, or someone in the White House decided to play her for a sap.  A number of years ago, someone spray painted the words “Abortion on Demand” on the entrance of a Pro-Life organization office here in St. Louis.  Everyone suspected some Pro-Aborticide personality did it, except that the Pro-Aborticide crowd never uses the phrase “abortion on demand” to describe their own position, it is the way pro-lifers describe the pro-aborticide position.  I figured that pro-lifers did the graffiti as a false flag operation.  I don’t know what became of that story, we never got a follow-up.

Ingraham intersperses the text from the “diaries” with her own commentary, but they’re mostly conservative boilerplate or non-political common sense, you’ve heard both a zillion times already.  Nothing profound.

Read this book if someone gives it to you, but if you spend as much as one penny in order to do so, you’ve ripped yourself off.



It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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