Another Alleged “Conservative” Shows His True Colors

16 01 2012

It’s this clod that calls himself “Pat Dollard.”  Today, he re-posted in entirety a long anti-Ron Paul hit piece from some whack job black leftist kook site called “News One for Black AmeriKa,” which itself lovingly quotes the SPLC in several instances.  In fact, the whole thing seems like it could have come from the Poverty Palace.

So what is a “conservative” like this schmuck Dollard doing giving any credibility to black kooks and the SPLC?  Answer:  “Conservative” doesn’t mean anything anymore.  Or maybe there’s another reason — Discuss among yourselves.

As for me, I officially enshrine “Pat Dollard” into the Anti-Ron Paul eliminationist hatemonger Hall of Shame, which before now consisted of Mark Levin, Yid With Lid, David Horowitz, Red State blog, and I Own the World blog.



2 responses

17 01 2012
The Friendly Grizzly

I stopped reading Dollard long ago. He is short on anything to say, and what he does say he pads with gratuitous use of gutter language more fitting to a street negro than a thinking human being.

17 01 2012

The only reason I know about him is because some of the people I follow on Twitter tweet links to all his stories. He’s always saying “anti-white” Obama or Holder this or that, but then runs with this black radical slash SPLC crap. He just hates Ron Paul and latches onto anything that bashes him.

His other big thing is “war porn.” The last thing you want to do if you advocate bellicosity is to show everyone videos of real warfare.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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