Blogmeister’s Axioms

16 07 2012

Here are some original or semi-original life lessons I have absorbed in my lifetime.  I’ll probably amend this list many times.  No particular order of importance.

Note:  In the time since I started this list, I have come to disbelieve or not as enthusiastically believe a few of these things.

1.  Most people do most things they do for motivations that are depressingly simple, and none too cerebral.

2.  And most of what happens in #1 can be described by one or more of the Catholic Church’s seven deadly sins.

3.  When people grind on something or seem to be too fanatical about something for their own good, it’s almost always a simple personal motive.  Any intellectual high-minded apologetics on their part is nothing more than a rationalization.

4.  Blacks who have power over other blacks will implement a system that smells a lot like segregation, apartheid or Jim Crow.

5.  If left to their own devices, anyone who has power over blacks will implement a system that smells a lot like segregation, apartheid or Jim Crow.

6.  The reason for #4 and #5 is that most people get the government they deserve most of the time.  Read Animal Farm for the definitive user’s manual about that sort of thing.  That isn’t only true for blacks.  Why do you think most Arab/Muslim countries are either secular dictatorships or fanatical theocracies, nary a Jeffersonian to be found?

7.  When an infant or toddler is murdered, it is almost always the result of his or her mother’s boyfriend who is not the father.

8.  If a teenage boy is homeless but not his mother, it is almost always the result of the mother’s boyfriend pressuring her to throw him out of the house.

9.  Study lion behavior to understand #7 and #8.

10.  You will never be able to fix interpersonal problems based on disputes that began before you were born.

11.  All people who run for public office are arrogant.  To the extent they don’t seem to be, it’s only because they do a good job covering it up.

12.  The reason for #11 is because the only kind of person who would tolerate the proctological exam that is a political campaign are people who are so arrogant as to think that the country just can’t make it without them wielding public power.

13.  Globalists are not traitors, as tempting as it might be to make this accusation.  To be a traitor, you need nations or countries fighting each other.  Globalists want to wipe away the very concept of countries or nations.

14.  Globalists are not imperialists, as tempting as it might be to make this accusation.  To be an imperialist, you need one country or nation imposing its will on others.  Globalists want to wipe away the very concept of countries or nations.

15.  Equality or egalitarianism is a front for one elite trying to displace and replace another.

16.  Per #15, the civil rights movement and its egalitariansm was a front for mulatto blacks trying to displace whites as the rulers of blue-gum blacks.

17.  Free trade, open borders for immigration and global governance are all interrelated.  If you embrace one, there will inevitably be pressure on your body politic to enact the other two.

18.  Ideas cannot have power.  People with power do have and fete and patronize ideas that preserve and/or enhance their power.  To understand an ideology, consider Cui Bono.  Or, to put it another way, power creates its own truth.

19.  You’re probably not important or interesting enough for the black hat black suitcase “spooks” (CIA, not African-American) to snoop and spy on.  Most people who are worried about that are doing nothing more than expressing frustration over their own boring life, or trying to pretend that they’re more interesting or important than they actually are.

20.  Proof of #19 is that Nielsen gleans credible TV ratings from a few thousand households, and those ratings are credible enough for networks and media conglomerates to make multi-million dollar decisions upon.

21.  Some conspiracy theories are true, and some are the lame attempts of people to try to construct the notion that they know something that someone else doesn’t know.

22.  Even if other intelligent life existed “out there,” they would be as interested in us as I am in a mole hill in Africa.

23.  Life is boring because people strive for boring.  We might wish for exciting, but when things get exciting, we want to get the excitement resolved ASAP.

24.  The world will survive without me.  See also:  You.

25.  People and institutions are true to their principles, and are opposed to their competitors’ principles.  Colonel Sanders will try to convince you that burgers and tacos are bad for you.  Public schools will teach socialist economics.  Hispanic marketing consultants will push the importance of the Hispanic vote.

26.  Heterosexual night clubs have ladies nights but never men’s nights because men want sex all the time, while women only want sex when they want sex.

27.  Any non-work business at work will always ruin the work.

28.  The reason why time seems to fly by faster when you get older is because as you get older, a given unit of time is an increasingly smaller percentage of your whole lifetime up to this point.  When you turn 10, the last decade was 100% of your life.  When you turn 20, the last decade was 50% of your life.  When you turn 40, the last decade was 25% of your life.  When you turn 50, the last decade was 20% of your life.  And so on.

29.  There are good know-it-alls and bad know-it-alls.  Be suspicious of people who have a blanket contempt of know-it-alls.

30.  Marriages that take place at an amusement park have a short shelf life.

31.  The goal should not be a quality teacher for every classroom, it should be a quality classroom of students for every teacher.

32.  You either grok math, or you don’t.  No amount of socially conscious sidebars about a mulatto black scientist who solved a differential equation to make peanut goop can make you do a differential equation if you don’t have the innate ability to solve one.

33.  It’s good to learn logic, but don’t try to be logical all the time in an illogical world.

34.  I have a dream, that Presidential debates are scored on pure Aristotelian logic terms, and the person who commits the fewest logical errors wins the Presidency.  It will always be nothing more than a dream.

35.  If you knew what food was truly made of, you’d never eat.

36.  If you knew what politicians are made of, you’d never vote.  Why do you think there are no honest politicians?

37.  If everyone was completely honest all the time, there would never be any romantic relationships, much less sex, much less marriage.  Without a little bit of dishonesty and subterfuge, humanity would go extinct.

38.  Never invest too much trust in people with whom you are not closely related either by blood or marriage.

39.  If you value your friendship with someone, never become that person’s roommate.

40.  Words are as meaningless as dirt.  Actions have consequences.  Pay attention to people’s actions, not words.

41.  Stand naked in front of a mirror.  Even though you’re not wearing a thing, you’re still wearing a uniform for a team to which your parents drafted you for life, and for a team from which you will never be traded or receive free agency.  But you do have the ability to sabotage your team.

42.  Per Godwin’s Law, stop reading a comment section upon the first mention of Hitler, Nazi, Holocaust or anything similar.

43.  The mania over niche political constituencies is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

44.  To repel an attack from a crazy person, act crazier than they are.

45.  To smoothe things over with dumb people, act dumber than they are and act enlightened and edified by all of their dumb observations.

46.  Blacks murder other blacks for one of these reasons almost always:  Drugs, girls, diss, shoes.

47.  The game of Pok-a-Tok among the ancient Mayans was a cause for human sacrifice.  Likewise, after many blacks play basketball, someone must eventually die.  Likewise, blacks overpaying for Air Jordans is an altar sacrifice to St. Michael of Jordan, Patron Saint of BASKETBALLIVUS, and when they murder each other either for possession of Air Jordans or a place in line to buy them, that is a blood sacrifice to the same god.  Alternatively, one could understand basketball as the coming-of-age ritual for adolescent black boys going on men.

48.  I’m already a legend in my own mind.  The problem is convincing everyone else.

49.  Young man, you will eventually learn that the world is a hell of a lot more stubborn than you gave it credit for being.  The world can still be changed, but it’s going to happen one excruciating inch at a time, and the world will bitch with each inch.

50.  If you could really “make a difference,” young man, why haven’t all the middle aged and elderly people around you done so already?

51.  Assume the worst in people, and you’ll never be disappointed.

52.  People who make money from a problem never want the problem to be solved.  Hint:  I make absolutely no money from this blog.

53.  The stock market is only one wee slight little baby step above out and outright gambling.

54.  Whenever a mass group of young people do something, there is always an old person behind it.  If a mass of young men bearing arms take a hill, there is an old man with stars on his helmet behind it.  Likewise, when you see masses of young “anarchists,” there is an old man with tenure behind it.

55.  The people who should use nude beaches don’t, and vice versa.

56.  The more often you hear something repeated, the less likely you should be to believe it.

57.  Nothing teaches you how to be a good coward like carrying a gun around.

58.  Everybody who drinks water dies.

59.  Love your cats as much as you can, because they might be long gone tomorrow.

60.  Poor people have poor ways.  Or, to put it another way, most poor people are poor because of their bad habits.  All the money in the world won’t change their poor ways, and furthermore, their poor ways will eventually result in their being poor once again.

61.  There is a link between poverty and crime.  Crime causes poverty.  The person of Barack H. Obama II agrees.

62.  Alternate History is snake oil.  Buy a book about alternate history, and then put it next to that doodad that gives you rock hard abs by using it five minutes a day that you were suckered into buying in storage, for much the same reason.  There were/are too many variables in human society to say exactly for sure what would have happened differently but for the change of one or a few different variables.  There isn’t enough computing power on Earth to figure those things out.

63.  Liberalism is a mental disorder, and so is conservatism.  The real mental disorder is holding too tenaciously to any abstract ideology, when doing so is anathema to your individual or collective well-being.

64.  Of the some seven billion people on Earth, if even only one of them is a gentile white heterosexual cisgendered non-leftist man, the other 6,999,999,999 people will all be oppressed minorities.

65.  All nations are nations of immigrants.  The entire history of the world can be summed up in that problems that result in one group of people getting up and moving somewhere else and meeting the people that already live there (warfare), and what happens when people refrain from doing that (civilization).  Just remember this when open borders hack spouts the “we’re a nation of immigrants” line at you to get you to agree to open borders.

66.  Just as most people get the government they deserve most of the time (See #6), most people get the interest rates they deserve most of the time.  Meaning rent-to-own joints and payday loan joints aren’t ripping people off or being usurious.

67.  If William of Ockham was born in 1977 instead of 1287, he would write that of competing hypotheses, the one with the most cynicism should be selected.

68.  If Stalin was an early 21st century American instead of a mid-20th century Soviet, he would say that what matters to him isn’t who casts the votes or who counts the votes, but who interprets the results.

69.  Most of life’s non-mysterious mysteries can be explained by either someone important getting good head or someone giving good head to someone important.

70.  An inordinate level of social justice warriorism is almost always a pure front for plutocratic or corporate greed.

71.  Data are only as good as the people who are given the official imprimatur of interpretation.

72.  Everyone in a mob thinks they’re some sort of lonesome David fighting Goliath.

73.  Social justice is a god that grows all the more hungry the more you feed it and whose palette becomes all the more discriminating the better you feed it.

74.  The essence of Hell is NOT a subterranean perennially and unbearably hot fire pit, but instead a nice temperate pleasant meadow with an infinite proliferation of focus groups as far as the eye can see.

75. Every culture on Earth worth a damn has either appropriated from another culture, or another culture has appropriated from it, and usually both.  A culture that neither appropriates from others nor is ever appropriated from by others, eventually becomes extinct and lost to history.

76.  Every square inch of land on this Earth is stolen land, and usually stolen multiple times over.

77.  The demographic, psychological and sociological proclivities of journalists together constitute the primary bottleneck of mainstream social, cultural and political opinion and understanding in today’s world.

78.  The number of socks that an individual person owns is always an odd number.

79.  The cosmic purpose of childbirth and delivery being so painful for a mother relates to the old saying, “what we attain too cheaply we esteem too lightly.”  It’s nature’s way of scolding mom, and to a lesser extend dad, that all this should be taken seriously.

80.  Brutus was the original accelerationist.

81.  We live in the world we have, not the world we want.  Adjust accordingly.

82.  It’s why I get paid the big bucks and you don’t.

83.  You raise your children so you can spoil your grandchildren, otherwise vice versa.

84.  I’m Machiavellian AF.

85.  Thrasybulus was the world’s first DEI commissioner.

86.  A big percentage of success in life is merely one’s ability to take chronic annoyances in stride.

87.  I hate lists.



7 responses

16 07 2012
r j p (@seedymedia)

37. If everyone was completely honest all the time, there would never be any romantic relationships, much less sex, much less marriage. Without a little bit of dishonesty and subterfuge, humanity would go extinct.

If there was more honestly there might be more marriage as we would expect that people to act less amoral regarding other matters..

51. Assume the worst in people, and you’ll never be disappointed.

Let’s just say I am rarely disappointed.

54. Whenever a mass group of young people do something, there is always an old person behind it.

Bill Ayers.

56. The more often you hear something repeated, the less likely you should be to believe it.

It how outright lies are turned into generally accepted truths. Global Warming. Peak Oil. Number of deaths in concentration camps. Equality of all.

57. Nothing teaches you how to be a good coward like carrying a gun around.

Nothing teaches you to always think of the ultimate repercussion.

17 07 2012

RJP, what I’m really thinking about with #54 is the anarchist crowd. There’s always one or more professors behind their “exuberance.”

And also, you’re not buying “peak oil” either? A whole lot of our beloved right wing has bought into it.

16 07 2012
Olave d'Estienne

Per Godwin’s Law, stop reading a comment section upon the first mention of Hitler, Nazi, Holocaust or anything similar.

I believe I mentioned Hitler on this very blog a few days ago. I try to keep it to a minimum though.

Any non-work business at work will always ruin the work.

Do you just mean that goofing off slows you down, or is there something deep that I’m missing?

Words are as meaningless as dirt. Actions have consequences. Pay attention to people’s actions, not words.

Excellent advice. Trouble is, in 80% of my relationships I never see anyone do anything. They’re completely verbal relationships.

16 07 2012

What I mean by “non-work business” is my general aversion to office politics. I avoid them like the plague.

Men can be just as bad as women, especially when it comes to sports. I am certain that a lot of productivity is lost to arguments over sports, tournament brackets, etc.

23 07 2012
Jerk or Jealous « Countenance Blog

[…] goes with the territory.  Remember Axioms #11 and #12. In a way, it applies to top-flight […]

31 07 2012
New York Times Discovers: You Really Can’t Teach a Pig to Whistle « Countenance Blog

[…] Remember Blogmeister’s Axiom #32. […]

29 01 2019

Late update, January 29, 2019.

The news that Kamala Harris getting her political start by slurping Willie Brown’s willy made me recall what was the 67th Axiom. But some suggested the 67th Axiom should be the 69th, so I traded the 67th for the 69th. Also today I added a brand new one.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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