She Has a History

1 05 2013


You’ve seen it by now.

It says that:

Since police cited her, supporters have a constructed a Facebook page entitled “Meg Lanker-Simons is innocent.”

“Meg Lanker-Simons is innocent we believe what she did was justified and deserves not to be held accountable for her accusations we stand behind you sister,” reads that page’s description.

I have a theory on who started that Facebook page:

Meg Lanker-Simmons.

But don’t worry.  Even if she is tried and convicted, she has a great future in front of her:  Doing global warming research for the University of East Anglia, or social science research at Tilburg University.



3 responses

2 05 2013

It says she’s with something called “Nonviolent Communism,” but she threw a fit when the school wouldn’t let that obviously non-violent Bill Ayers speak on campus.

2 05 2013

Just a little lie …. the way all liberal crusades begin.

Is she so stupid to not know that the IP address of everything done on the internet is logged somewhere? If you want to f’ around on the internet anymore, you have to be smart.

2 05 2013
Hard Right

Would anyone really want to rape this???

Well, I suppose Bellcurvius might.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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