He Should Know

9 12 2014


Obama kvetches.  This sounds like the tripe we hear all the time from blacks, that they supposedly have to work three times as hard as white people to get the same promotion or have six diplomas to get the same job that a white person can get with one diploma.

I will give him this much — When this mulatto with a high enough LSAT score impressed the Chicago white and Jewish gentry liberal crowd by reading a teleprompter such that they put him on the Presidential track, he had to read the teleprompter really well and read the words very eloquently.



4 responses

9 12 2014
HarmonKillebrew (@HarmonBrew)

Not really. Obama is not a very good public speaker; he often puts on a black accent and it sounds ridiculous. He has no interesting ideas in his speeches. I remember how unimpressed the Germans were with his speech in Berlin in 2008.

In 2008, there was a lot of naivete, wishful thinking and aggressive denial. Remember how Obama was “post racial?” Heck, the Nobel Prize Committee gave him the Peace Prize just for being black. I’m not a psychologist but there has to be some Stockholm-Syndrome kind of thing going on with whites according blacks the status of our moral guides and at the same time we all know that black neighborhoods are terrifyingly dangerous. In August, one Ferguson resident told the news that sometimes the buses don’t run their routes because of the gunshots. Where else does that happen?

Has a lot to do with bowing down to Martin Luther King, too. “Conservatives” do a lot of that.

9 12 2014


‘ “Conservatives” do a lot of that.” ‘

Do you mean conservatives or Republicans? There’s a fair bit of space between the two at the moment.

9 12 2014

If by ‘fair’ you mean gulf, then, yes, its fair. I’d say, at this point, we of the rational right have no voice in D.C. We need a Party, full of names we’ve never heard before. THEY need to install term limits, so its ALWAYS a new name. And never uttering the words “I” or “me”, only ” my constituents want…..”. It will ALWAYS be a new name, and it will ALWAYS be the same ideas. As its said, ” There is nothing new under the sun” We HAD the power of a powerful party. We then relinquished that power by considering ‘what women want’ , and now, voiceless, its time to seize control of what is ours. Ours by birthright. Namely, the Country we designed, built, defended and manicured.

9 12 2014
HarmonKillebrew (@HarmonBrew)

yes, that’s what I meant by the quotes around it. Being “on the right” is their meal ticket and paeans to MLK are in their self-interest.

A bit surprised how far out there they (O’Reilly, Krauthammer, most of the Fox ilk) have gotten being PC on the Eric Garner thing. The cop did not choke Garner to death, the video doesn’t show Garner dying. The cop was clearly ordered (by the black sergeant in charge) to grab Garner. Garner died in the hospital. The grand jury didn’t believe the cop caused his death. Not like they ignored the medical examiner’s report; they didn’t believe it.

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