Wicked Racial Profiling Trick

16 06 2015

Jefferson City


More prospective teachers in Missouri failing exit exams

Prospective Missouri teachers are failing a new batch of exit exams at high rates.

The lower passage rates immediately followed the state’s adoption of more challenging exams. The move has prompted criticism from those overseeing college programs that train future teachers.

Less than half of the teacher candidates passed exams in 12 subject areas on their first attempt, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education reported Tuesday to the State Board of Education.

Overhauling the tests has been divisive, with some college administrators accusing state leaders of wanting more teachers to fail.

“They are getting what they wanted,” said Diana Rogers-Adkinson, dean of Southeast Missouri State University’s College of Education, one of several who predicted that failure rates would spike if teacher colleges were not given enough time to prepare their students.

I stopped there.

How much further would I have needed to read until I got to the part about racial test bias, disparate impact, score gap?



3 responses

17 06 2015
Alex the Goon

Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, teach anyway.
The educator-educators should be more concerned about the soon-coming digital revolution in learning. There won’t be many B&M classrooms, when streaming tech takes over that industry; and the few that do exist, will not have teachers, but Geeksquad assistants to troubleshoot the wifi. I suspect most of the B&M “classrooms” will only be trainstops on the cradle-to-prison aboveground railroad, and their primary purpose will be daycare and free meal distribution. Oh, and basketball.
The teachers unions will not be missed.

17 06 2015

Has anybody ever seen one of these mythical racist questions that keeps negros out?

17 06 2015

Several years back, the local eyeball news around here did a story about the “discriminatory” promotion exam within the St. Louis City Fire Department, and one of the questions therein was:

“The distance between your pumper truck and the fire is 90 feet. All of your hoses are 30 feet long. How many hoses must you connect together to reach the fire?”

And it wasn’t a trick question, either. Straight up simple division.

Yet, this was “discriminatory,” because bellcurvers can’t do 90/30.

Scariest part of all is that this was on a promotion test, not an entrance test.

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