Immovable Objects Protest Irresistible Force

11 07 2015


H/T Breitbart

I’m sensing Republican cheap labor lobby oriented donor and consultant class (*) astroturfing here.  Because he hauled out the canard about “how the GOP needs (Hispanic voters).”  But then hypocritically said that the GOP will never get Hispanic voters in a majority sense (**), not even open borders Marco Rubio.  So what’s the point, Frito Bandito?  You’ve just neutralized your own political threat.

(*) – The Republican oriented donor class is really scared of Trump for the simple reason that he might become President and enact immigration policies that are the total opposite of what they’re writing checks to Republican candidates, outfits, think tanks, Super PACs and 527s to get.  However, Trump also directly threatens the Republican oriented consultant class, because they, at the behest of the Republican donor class, have concocted a political myth that Hispanic voters are ultra-crucial and ultra-important, hence, the boasting of Frito Bandito above, and also hence, my snark about ZOMG GREAT HISPANIC VOTER TIDAL WAVE LOL~!!!!!!1.  If Trump wins the Presidency while not improving on Romney’s Hispanic vote percentage, or if he does with his immigration restrictionist message while getting more of the Hispanic vote than Romney, it will demonstrate one of the two or both of the main Republican beltway consultant hobby horses to be totally false:  One, that you need Hispanics to win the Presidency, and/or two, Hispanic voters care most acutely about immigration liberalization.  Trump could totally expose the Republican beltway consultant industry for the irrelevant deceitful fraud that it is.

(**) – Trump’s brash personality leads me to think that he could come close to getting a majority of votes from Hispanic men, somewhere in the 45-50% range, versus HRC or whatever Democrat, if he was the Republican nominee.



17 responses

11 07 2015

If I remember correctly, Schwartzenegger did pretty well amongst California Hispanics, despite opposing driver’s licenses for illegals. I can’t find any statistics about it though.

12 07 2015

It boggles the minds of a lot of white people, but many Hispanic citizens of the U.S. are strongly against illegal immigration. Those who have worked hard, assimilated, and raised their children to be Americans, appreciate the illegal immigrants about as much as many white Americans do.

It’s a media/polling myth that Hispanic citizens of the U.S. are primarily pro-immigration. A lot of them might be pro Democrats because of social welfare programs, and a lot of them recognize that INS is a corrupt, illogical, money-burning bureaucracy, but that doesn’t mean they’re actually affectionate toward the idea of other people bypassing the system and stealing their jobs–and it’s often the jobs of legal Hispanics that illegals are stealing!

The whole “Hispanics love Democrats because of liberal immigration” thing is really just another episode of astroturf-style media deception.

12 07 2015

Bill Richardson said it: Hispanic voters are welfare voters. Therefore, in important elections, they will vote significantly more Democrat than Republican. The inability (*) of the political class to understand this causes a lot of recurring confusion. For example, if the nominees are HRC and Jeb!, and HRC advocates a full path to citizenship plus boilerplate amnesty, and Jeb! only advocates boilerplate amnesty (i.e. no deportation plus work permits), and HRC beats Jeb! among Hispanics by about a 2:1 margin, then the beltway consultants and talking heads will presume that it happened because HRC actually offered the path to citizenship, and the conclusion will be that you need to advocate path to citizenship to get that (“all important”) Hispanic vote. When in reality, Hispanics will vote 2:1 for HRC over Jeb! because Democrats can offer and deliver more welfare goodies, as far as Hispanics concerned about the immigration in terms of liberalization care, the boilerplate is all they want, and both offer it, so then it comes down to other issues to determine who they vote for. And that’s where the Santa Claus giveaways come in.

(*) – I’m cynical enough to think that this is not a function of inability, but a function of concocting deliberate lies and myths and memes and deceits to satisfy open borders donors.

12 07 2015

Trump’s machismo could well appeal to Hispanic males.

Trump is such a wild card. Fun fun fun!

12 07 2015
Joshua Sinistar

Who gives a shit about Mehican voters? I certainly don’t. They’ll all vote for Mehicans in Mehico, but American elections may as well be American Idol to them. They don’t really matter. They’re just cover for the fraud called voting where phantom voters like Donald Duck vote the bent line of socialist swill financed by the Nose. Follow the Nose, it never knows, that they are all doomed because now everyone really does hate them and want them dead.

12 07 2015

I agree, but every vote counts. I think Trump could get more Hispanics than many think.

There are those who are comfortable with living in the US and don’t want our country to turn into Mexico.

Nice placement of the Hispanic woman holding the pro-Trump anti-illegal sign there. Can’t get away from good showmanship and spectacle.

But yeah, no need to kiss posterior nor wash brown footses…

12 07 2015

We shouldn’t “give a shit.” The point is ironic, though — Not “giving a shit” and not pandering in the way RINOs and beltway consultants think you should will mean that you’re actually more successful in getting NAM votes even though you’re not actually trying. The ones that pander hard do the worst among NAMs.

Even DAVID DUKE got upper single digits percent of the vote among black voters when he ran for Louisiana statewide offices, which is astounding because usually Republicans get lower single digits from blacks.

12 07 2015

Boy WaPo really hates the Trumpster…

12 07 2015
HarmonKillebrew (@HarmonBrew)

Because Trump is a successful businessman and long time celebrity rather than a politician, he can cut through the stink of the Republican “brand.” I just watched his Phoenix speech; he brought on Jamile Shaw whose son was killed by an illegal. Shaw is black and said that he listened to Donald Trump’s announcement because “Everybody listens to Donald Trump because you want to know what he’s got to say.” How many black men listened to Jeb’s hispandering announcement speech?

Trump called out Kasich in the speech. Kasich was a managing director of Lehman Bros. in 2008 when Lehman “almost crashed the world.” Jeb was taking over a million a year from Lehman, too.

I watched maybe 15 minutes of Sabado Gigante last night. A very entertaining show even if you don’t speech Spanish. Dance contest with judges and, of course, Don Francisco. Every single one of them was white. This is a huge canard that Hispanics are a separate race and see themselves as such. If not quite white, they are white enough. A cspan caller said something about over a million Hispanics reclassifying themselves as white (census? she didn’t say where it was from)

12 07 2015

Incidentally, Trump has picked up around 400,000 new followers on Twitter since he announced. 2.75m when he announced, 3.15m today. That 400k is more than the entire Twitter following of many of the supposedly serious Republican contenders.

12 07 2015
David In TN

About twenty years ago, there was a book about the Democrats not doing well with white voters. The author said many Hispanics end up thinking of themselves as “white.”

12 07 2015

With today’s “flight from white,” as Steve Sailer calls it, that’s not as true as it used to be. Also don’t forget that most East Coast Hispanics are Afro or mulatto Caribbeans.

12 07 2015
David In TN

Yes, it’s not as true as it used to be, considering the current climate. The book I was referring to was “Minority Party,” by one Peter Brown.

It was published early in 1992 and predicted another GOP presidential victory due to them being the “White Party.” Brown didn’t count on Ross Perot, Bill Clinton’s skillful maneuvering, and Bush 41 practically checking out.

I don’t think I’ve heard from this writer since.

12 07 2015
David In TN

I forgot about Buchanan’s 1992 primary run. Bush 41 had turned off his base, pandering endlessly to people who would never vote for him (like father, like sons).

12 07 2015
Joshua Sinistar

Everybody knows the White vote is ten times more important than any minority. Those old black wimmens don’t go to the polls unless they see a black face on a election poster. Those Mehicans don’t care who the President is at all. They all plan on riding for free until the money runs out and then head back South to their people.
If Jeb Bush was serious about winning he’d stand up to these retards in the media like Trump and appeal to the only voters who vote GOP, the White voters. But he’s controlled opposition like his daddy was, he’s the political version of The Generals who are paid to lose the the Harlem Globetrotters.

13 07 2015
HarmonKillebrew (@HarmonBrew)

Regarding Bush 41 turning off white voters, I wonder how much the Rodney King fiasco contributed to that, with Bush the Elder’s Justice Dept. and US attorney investigating and then prosecuting the cops after they had been acquitted by a state jury and the riots ensued. Prosecuting the cops validated the riots. After that, no Republican could complain about the Justice Dept. Civil Rights division and double jeopardy. Maybe there were a lot of white voters with the foresight to see what Bush the Elder did was a terrible blunder. I don’t think Bill Clinton would have done it. Clinton is a phony and a liar but not the kind of elitist with no connection to ordinary life in the US that the Bushes are.

The Bush family has been such a disaster for the GOP. A good part of the stink on the GOP is stink from “W” and now they insist on Jeb who likes to moon the most reliable segment of GOP voters.

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