Easy Riddle

13 08 2015

Your Blogmeister’s Hotel Room


One particularly interesting thing I’ve noticed is how various groups are reacting to the term “cuckservative”. The outrage from Conservatism, Inc was predictable. RedState, in particular, seemed to take great offense to it. What really surprised me was that in my searches using various search engines (Google, Bing) I found several left wing sites were denouncing the term as well. Vox, Salon.com, Alternet and the Huffington Post all decried the usage of this clever portmanteau.

The Left getting upset by an insult aimed at Republicans? What’s going on here? Perhaps they’ve enjoyed watching the spineless Cucksevatives appease them all these years and hate to see true conservatives and immigration patriots wage a war against the worthless establishment GOP? I will be anxiously following this election and hope the Republican Party finally learns its lesson on immigration and sends the treasonous pro-amnesty element poisoning them into the dustbin of history.

One of the things which baffled me a few weeks ago is why cucks are angry when they’re called cucks.  After all, one would logically think, based on their own anti-racism, that they wouldn’t feel insulted if someone “insulted” them for their anti-racism.  My initial theories were that being called cucks bothers them because they’re not as comfortable in their anti-racist skin as it seems, or they’re upset that more and more people are figuring out their vote grifting scam.  Someone on AR had a better theory than either of mine, that anti-racism is modern morality, and people don’t like to have their morality attacked.  True, because so few people actually enjoy being attacked that the most verbose language that man ever invented, our language, couldn’t coin a word to describe that sort of thing, such that we had to steal schadenfreude directly from German.

The left shouldn’t involve itself in this matter at all, because it does not involve them.  So why are they?  Unlike trying to figure out the cucks’ aversion to the word, I think figuring out the left is easier, and the letter writer to V-Dare gets pretty close to what I think is the right answer.  I think many of the left’s literati at least subconsciously know that they benefit from the mainstream right being anti-racist, because it means that the left mostly wins even when they lose the election.  The meme of a clever word being coined to define the mainstream right’s anti-racism and anti-white racial pandering is probably making the literate left fear that the shell game could be over soon.



20 responses

13 08 2015
13 08 2015

And they still can’t get it right. This NYT writer whiffs, and furthermore, he quotes a bunch of people and groups that themselves have already missed.

13 08 2015
Hard Right

#cuckservative is a lot more active than usual this morning….

13 08 2015
13 08 2015

All they can do is cut and paste each other’s conventional wisdom.

“The Frisky.” Doesn’t seem to be the kind of place I’d go to for cutting edge political philosophy and analysis, considering the other kinds of things they do. Let me put it to you this way: If Sam Francis was still living, “The Frisky” would never hire him.

13 08 2015
Hard Right
13 08 2015

“Affront to the legacy of William F. Buckley”

What legacy? Standing athwart history and yelling stop? One purge after another after another of anyone mildly talented or interesting? Lots and lots and lots of writing and ideological navel gazing and medieval scholasticist obsessiveness in the face of the other side winning and winning and winning some more and even mostly winning then they don’t win at the ballot box?

Will is right: Donald Trump IS an affront to Buckley’s legacy. Something which Trump should brag about.

Or to put it more accurately, Trump is a consequence of Buckley’s legacy of perpetual purges. But for them, the Trump running in 2016 running on Trump style platforms would be nowhere near as morally or socially questionable as Trump.

13 08 2015
13 08 2015

Notice Paul Kersey’s response.

13 08 2015
Hard Right

Yup. For your readers who don’t do twitter….

George Will is the perfect example of Cuckservative

13 08 2015

The left is worried because if people start to notice that the mainstream cuck right has been assisting the left in the heavy lifting of moving the progressive agenda foward all these years, the whole facade of this sham “democracy” crashes down. Voters will see that the parties are just two sides of the same coin. It’s a corrupt system protecting itself.

13 08 2015

The left is worried that the anti-cuck right might actually represent a real political choice for the first time in a long time.

13 08 2015
Hard Right

Cuckquean Republican “strategist” Cheri Jacobus sends Will’s article to Mike Cernovich.

Hilarity ensues.

13 08 2015
Hard Right

Google bans 8chan….

View at Medium.com

13 08 2015
David In TN

The left prefers Kristol, Will, Lowry, etc as their opponents. When “Rich” Lowry fired John Derbyshire from National Review, it wasn’t because Derbyshire “violated the tenets of conservatism,” but because he violated the tenets of LIBERALISM.

For the editor of the “Flagship of the Conservative Movement,” saying something liberals don’t like is a firing offense.

13 08 2015
13 08 2015
Alex the Goon

Mimicing? They’re Siamese twins.

13 08 2015
Joshua Sinistar

When they talk “legacy” they’re done. That’s what they say about lame duck potus when he’s sauced up and about to be put in the oven. The #cuckservative label scares the treason class because it eloquently exposes them as traitors. What’s orange skin bonehead gonna do if he loses his seat as well as his speakership? He can’t be a lobbyist cause the other party hates him and his own party sees him as a sellout. He’s gonna be washing cars at a used car lot if his cushy pension runs dry. They’re done and they know it. The scam is over now.

14 08 2015

Funny that the left, the ones who gave us teabagger are now some how offended by cuckservative. So some fetishes are fine for political discourse and others are not. Cuckolding has much more to do with what is going on with the Stupid party than dangling you nut sack in another dudes face had to do with the Tea Party.

14 08 2015

And “teabagger” is actually sexual innuendo, unlike “cuckservative,” which has nothing to do with interracial porn, because the “cuckold” part has to do with the cuckoo bird.

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