I Take This to Mean that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Recently Made a Big Contribution to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

29 10 2015

Montgomery, Alabama





3 responses

29 10 2015
29 10 2015
31 10 2015
Joshua Sinistar

I suppose after spending trillions trying to teach calculus to monkeys, they’re now trying to get White kids to fail too with ridiculous math and anti-White themes that turn them off even more. That way they can say we need even more money! SAD. And stupid. From the people who brought you Winders 8.zero, the operating system of India, the country that still doesn’t have indoor plumbing. Is Bill gates the Anti-Christ? Nah, he’s sub-par Evil. He’s Diet Pepsi Evil. He’s Aspartame Evil. He’s Lite Beer Evil…

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