Why Are We So Jumpey?

1 11 2015

Maryland Heights

A business partner of Stan Kroenke’s is developing 200 acres in MH, near the Page Extension and 141.

And of course the too-clever-by-half crowd in this town is thinking some sort of stadium, maybe Kroenke is using his partner to create stadium vaporware in MH as some sort of “backup” or leverage to or against Los Angeles.

It’s time for me to walk this town off the ledge.

First off, there’s no reason to hedge against Inglewood, because the only bureaucratic thing standing in the way is a record of decision from the FAA that the proposed structure won’t affect in and out bound flights out of relatively nearby LAX.  Once they sign off, then Kroenke swipes his debit card, and dirt starts turning.

Second, even if Kroenke thought that he needed some sort of backup vaporware, there’s already one ready made for him, the one this town has been babbling about all year.  His Inglewood stadium and development will cost $2 billion out of his own pocket, meanwhile, the proposed new stadium here is $1 billion.  If he can write a check for $2 billion, he can write a check for $1 billion.



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