Sunday Wrap-Up

21 02 2016

I have so few items in my hopper that I’m not even going to categorize them.

* The story is about news cameras being turned away, but the end reveals the end of the beginning for the Hazelwood district.

* The O’Fallon trailer park stabber.  Or, how I learned to quit worrying about AFFH and start enjoying vibrancy.

* Yellow cop, black man.  I could have sworn New York City was in America.

* Controversial?  To me, his statements are milquetoast, mildly cuckservative.

* What if they gave a social justice and nobody came?

* This would be a good campaign strategy, if Pool Boy was running for President as a Democrat.

* Here’s another article that echoes the David French theme, that people that voted Republican through the years were never that interested in one variety or another of conservative orthodoxy.

* Dr. Blogmeister thinks that their depression is entirely a function of their being hyped up and agitated over microaggressions.  When you dial the sensitivity high, you’re going to hit a lot of false positives.

* Because anti-segregation is white supremacy, or something like that.

* I take the man at his word.

* Doing the “hurr” of the BT-1000 could be hazardous to your health.

* Good heavens, you don’t have to spend $6,500.  But stay away from the sub-$100 turntables as well.  Your best bet is a relatively inexpensive direct drive, any direct drive.  The $300-ish range is the sweet spot.

* Just what the state of Texas needs, another football team or program.  I don’t know if this particular school, in the Hispanic-heavy Brownsville-McAllen area, will be that interested, though.

* This whole hubbub over Peyton Manning, whose great transgression was mooning a female trainer back at the University of Tennessee, (you would have thought she would be used to the sight of bare asses), was started by Mr. Black America himself, Shaun King, when he basically wrote in the NYDN that he wanted to find some sort of dirt to dig up on Manning because he didn’t like the criticism that was coming Cam Newton’s way.



7 responses

21 02 2016
GoldMark City


22 02 2016
Hard Right

Looks like one of Rubio’s bots has escaped.

21 02 2016
Marc Bahn

But can we continue to depend on pool boy helping us out at all the right times?

21 02 2016

Trump won all 50 delegates from SC. Which means he has 67, with 1237 being the magic number. I’m thinking that Trump better get to 1237 based on delegates awarded by voting, because the free agent delegates certainly won’t vote for him.

22 02 2016
Hard Right
22 02 2016
Stan d Mute

Your $6,500 turntable is a pittance in the audiophile world of vacuum tubes. I can dive deep into odd areas like this and the audiophile world is truly bizarro land where folks will spend $20,000 on speaker cables. It’s a manufacturer’s dream really, where for the price of buying off a reviewer or two he can achieve a 10,000% markup on his goods. And like liberalism, it’s all rooted in pretentiousness and status seeking. One of the best things George Lucas ever did was create THX so consumers could shop for the best priced THX Certified audio gear and know they’re getting premium quality. The audio snobs will sneer, but who cares when you’re savings can be enough for a mortgage 20% down payment?

22 02 2016

Yeah I noticed some extremely expensive vacuum tube amps.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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