Sunday Wrap-Up

31 07 2016


* It’s what we do:  A BT-1100 shoots an old Korean couple because of weave and a BT-1000 organizes rubbing out witnesses against her son.  Therefore, we talk about “gun” violence.

* Bobby Hughes got bounced out right away.  Yet, Rob Desir wasn’t bounced out; I think the only reason he’s not there anymore is that he moved on to another town.

* Dude dresses up as comic book character to do citizens patrol in Florissant.  WGPT (Wicked Generation Profiling Trick) got pulled out here.  All I needed was that to figure that he’s somewhere between late 30s and early 50s.  Indeed, he’s 42.  Like I’ve been saying, when we start croaking in big numbers, the obits and news will read that our lifeless bodies were found face down in a comic book.

* Hmm.  Reminds me of an episode out of the first season of Leave It To Beaver, where Ward, Wally and the Beav make a go-cart, later on, in spite of Ward’s admonition, Beaver and one of his friends drive it on public streets, and a cop nails them.

* Her photo was not immediately available.  If it were, then you’d see that she was the kind of woman who has no business stealing Victoria Secret underwear because she has no business wearing it.

* And we know the real reason.

* Long spread continuing the ongoing debate about the New Madrid Fault.


* Bell Curve City, all the way.  Note that this was at a party to celebrate the life of an ook that was a gangland murder victim.  These victims will eventually have parties thrown in their honor, and there will be murders at those.  And the beat goes on.  And on.  And on.  And on.  And on.

* As I’m reading this, are we not supposed to notice, or realize, or remember, or consider, that Paul O’Neal was driving a stolen car?  Also, look at what happened during a vigil held in his honor.  Maybe the cops did something bad and wrong and illegal in ending Mr. O’Neal’s life, though in his case, nothing ever became him in life like the leaving of it.  However, the back story involving him driving a stolen car, and more importantly, (because video is crucial), the video of the fight at the vigil held in his honor, is hurting the PR of his cause.  Why do you think the DOJ moved Hell and Earth to try to keep the security stills from GENTILIVUS GIANTVIUS strong arm robbing the Ferguson Market from being released?


* It’s just a rehash of the “grit” argument, though in this case, it begs the retort of if they have so much grit, then why are their own home countries such holes?


* Don’t worry, we knew that already.

* Not only was open carry not a disaster at and near the RNC, it may have precluded and deterred some of the silliness.

* Democrats are mad about this?  You threw in with these people, you made their mentality the theme of a whole day of your convention last week, and now you’re mad that the bark comes with the dog?

* No, read closer.  Tim Cook isn’t being bipartisan, he’s consolidating the system.  And as far as this bit about “private citizen, not representative of AAPL,” well, all I can tell you is that dog doesn’t hunt.  It never does for anyone else.

* Now, do you understand why the Democrats and the media are pushing this Russian hacking meme hot and heavy?  They need for people to think of the DNC as the victims of this episode, instead of thinking about the content of the purloined e-mails, which have already caused a lot of sour stomachs, and if read widely and understood properly, could cause that whole party to fall apart.

Democrats love unions, even unions closely aligned with Democrats, only in as much as they’re GOTV fodder and red team bashing fodder, and as long as the unions’ interests don’t collide with the interests of the Democrats’ billionaire donors.  If they do collide, then the Democrats as a party will side with the billionaires, then start screaming about social justice to distract the unions and anyone else so concerned.


* Gayvy names a John Lewis-class of floating gas stations after Harvey Milk.  Which is really not surprising.  But why is a whole class of Navy boats named after John Lewis?  Yes, that John Lewis.

* Reading this story is hard, just for all the garish black first names.

Looking at some of the pictures, why do I get the feeling that the historians of, say, the fifth millennium, will look back on what will by then be considered ancient American society, and conclude that black men playing football was its most lofty virtue?

* “Why HUD hires incompetents and criminals”

You want black people to have jobs, don’t you?  What are you, some kind of bigot?

* That’s what Section 8 is for.

* Of course they were well fed, relative to their time.  Just about all slaves were.  Why?  Because they were slaves, they were bought and sold with the expectation of doing work.  They weren’t used for decorations or ornaments.

* Digest the irony.

* To re-state what Milo said in another more digestible way, feminism is in one sense an attempt by obese homely lesbians to use their choke point positions of power and authority within the culture to force the culture to redefine feminine beauty around obese homely lesbians.  In another sense, not germane to this conversation, it’s also about Jewish women going on a rampage against cultural norms of the entire society only because they’re mad at Jewish men for not marrying Jewish women.


* Slavery is back.

* To be fair, conspiracy theories flourished in Turkey before Turkey’s failed coup.  Conspiracy theories flourish in Turkey because just about everyone is either conspiring against someone else, or being conspired against, or both.  Speaking of conspiracies, I think the best fit to explain the “failed coup” was an Ergodan-engineered false flag to give himself the pretext to consolidate power.

* And nobody is thinking to make the obvious immigration segue?

* But don’t say that!  Didn’t you see the hashtag?


* Who are we to argue with black science?  Note he is seeking funds to bring his genius to America.

* Your intermittent inspirational message.

* These are the exigencies of giving girls and women, who are naturally inclined to hive mind communicative violence, too much access to communicate.  It is no accident that the quickest way to get kicked off of Twitter is to offend either a feminist or some woman.

* Lesbian?  I thought we needed a black James Bond.

* The 1964 Democrat Convention.  One week ago in this wrap-up, I had a link to a Shorpy post of the 1964 Republican Convention.  One thing you can see about both conventions that year is that they were held in large enough but modest-looking venues, the Cow Palace in San Francisco for the Republicans and Boardwalk Hall for the Democrats.  An irony that jumps out at me is that FDR’s picture was used for the Democrats in ’64, which is not surprising.  But, 52 years later, at this same party’s convention just up the road in Philadelphia, one of its speakers bashed the other party’s nominee for approving of an FDR policy — Japanese internment.  History is already being revised to cast Abraham Lincoln as a Democrat and George Wallace as both a Republican and a one-time Presidential nominee of that party.  Are we slowly seeing the party goalpost being moved over FDR’s head?

* Remember, “rock stars,” politicians control copyright laws, you depend on them, so don’t piss off politicians.

* Pokemon Go, Part 1.

* Pokemon Go, Part 2.

* Pokemon Go, Part 3.

* Pokemon Go, Part 4.  OTOH, you can’t say that Pokemon Go doesn’t bring people together and break down barriers; twits of any race may participate.  (Note:  This article originally embedded an IG post of a mixed race group of black and white PG players after having tagged Carondelet Park structures.)

* Now I’ve figured it out.  “Gen X Radio” is just the polite way of saying “oldies” for people like us who don’t want to admit that we’re getting old.  I listened to this stream for a little bit, and they forgot to include the best stuff.  OTOH, I get the feeling that Millennials actually do love it.  ICYMI, this is iHeart’s proving ground stream for its “Gen X” formatted terrestrial radio stations.



51 responses

31 07 2016
Alex the Goon

comic book character doing citizens patrol in Florissant – WGPT… or, he might just be retarded.
An individual who crosses the border illegally into the United States is the kind of person Americans should want in the country because of their “strength” and “will,” said Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.)
An individual who crosses the door/window illegally is the kind of person a homeowner should want in their home because of their “strength” and “will,” said Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.)
An individual who penetrates illegally into a vagina is the kind of person women should want in their vaginas because of their “strength” and “will,” said Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.)
Fifth millennium historians concluding that black men playing football was our most lofty virtue – I wonder how many Romans scorned their neighbors for wearing facepaint and replica togas and playing Fantasy Gladiator at the office all week.
What Milo said – Rush said, decades ago, that feminism was just a means to get ugly women promoted in the workplace. People listened to Rush because he didn’t remind them every. damn. day. how much black dick he sucked.

31 07 2016
David In TN

Speaking of the 1964, Republican Convention, I think the Dems were hoping for a repeat this year, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in the defense of freedom is no virtue.” This is off the top of my head. The actual wording may have been different.

Yes, the goalposts may soon be moved past FDR and Truman, even more.

Today The Conservative Treehouse had an entry about Hillary canceling campaign stops in Pennsylvania and Ohio. And those that take place don’t have much of a crowd.

Also, they wonder how healthy she is. Hillary seems to be a cough drop junkie.

31 07 2016

Re the Goldwater quote: Usually, they only let us read the first half, they rarely include the second half.

31 07 2016
Alex the Goon

If she really wants to appeal to the darkies, she should drank sizzurp for that cough.

31 07 2016
Hard Right

And throw in some Skittles

31 07 2016
Hard Right

Conspiracies in Turkey? The average IQ there is 90. Look at all the stupid shit Negroes believe.

31 07 2016
31 07 2016
Hard Right

31 07 2016

And he graduated high school only 7 years before I did.

31 07 2016
Hard Right

Think he plays Pokemon?

1 08 2016
Alex the Goon

Traditionally, Speakers of the House play Pokeboy.

2 08 2016
Hard Right


31 07 2016
31 07 2016
31 07 2016
31 07 2016
Hard Right

31 07 2016
31 07 2016

That’s a week from Tuesday

31 07 2016
Hard Right

Who is going to want to serve on USNS Fudgepacker?

31 07 2016
Hard Right

Geeze. Every damn one of them is named after “civil rights activists.”

Navy to Name Ship After Gay Rights Activist Harvey Milk

31 07 2016

A story I covered in this wrap-up. I know, I go through lots of stories in the wrap-ups.

31 07 2016
Hard Right

I was commenting on your wrap-up. I didn’t see a link to it.

31 07 2016
1 08 2016
Hard Right

1 08 2016
Hard Right

1 08 2016
1 08 2016
1 08 2016

Eight days.

1 08 2016
Hard Right

1 08 2016
1 08 2016
1 08 2016
1 08 2016
2 08 2016
Hard Right

2 08 2016
Hard Right

2 08 2016
Hard Right

2 08 2016
Hard Right

Just about any illegal alien can avoid arrest by following these simple rules, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) advertises in a post on its website’s homepage.

2 08 2016
2 08 2016
Hard Right

2 08 2016

Needs more Pepe.

2 08 2016
2 08 2016
2 08 2016
Hard Right

Stupid feminist triggered when men look at her on nude beach

2 08 2016
2 08 2016
2 08 2016
2 08 2016
3 08 2016
3 08 2016
3 08 2016
3 08 2016
Hard Right

Agents apprehend convicted rapist a second time

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