You Can Have It All

18 11 2017


Usually, these kinds of articles only express one or two of the standard diversionary bromides.

This one?  Well, as we St. Louisans say, everything and the kitchen zinc.

In it, these things are blamed or cited as causes or intimated as solutions:

(1) Overgrown weeds
(2) Lead paint
(3) Vacant houses
(4) Job applications
(5) “Safe streets” mediators
(6) Recreation centers
(7) Street lights
(8) Housing code violations
(9) Juvenile justice system “failing” youths
(10) Poverty
(11) Family domestic strife
(12) Drug addiction
(13) School absenteeism

All to avoid saying “black undertow,” and in the specific case of Baltimore current year, to avoid the politicians taking responsibility for agitating the city’s black undertow about two and a half years ago.

It’s November, which means the weeds should have died out by now.  Lead paint has been off the market for almost as long as I’ve been alive.  Houses don’t commit violent crimes.  Anyone with an internet connection can apply for a big percentage of jobs.  Safe streets mediators are often the same kind of thugs as the thugs they’re purportedly trying to calm down.  Recreation centers cause, not deter, violent crime.  A city ticket for housing code violations relates to murders…how?  In my day, youths committed violent crimes, not the juvenile justice system “failed” youths, just as in my day, students failed school, not schools failed students.  The rest?  Yadda yadda.




6 responses

18 11 2017
Paul Rain

I sometimes try to imagine how I would feel about these people that the power elites defend, and the actual power elites, if I was a slightly subnormal, but genuinely disadvantaged young man like Dylann Roof.

I like to think that if I struck out, it would be at the excusors not the excuse. But that’s a pretty tough situation to be in.

20 11 2017
Nicholas Stix

Bob Rector of Heritage estimated a few years ago that whites (he didn’t say that, he said “the government”) had spent $20 trillion on the War on Whites, er, Poverty.

Although some of those trillions went to Hispanics, and about $3.50 went to whites, Rector is notoriously conservative, and always lowballs such numbers.

He also doesn’t go into whites’ losses from:

Black invaders causing their home values to plummet to anywhere from zero to way below what they paid for them;

Being robbed and thieved by blacks;

Having to spend private school tuition, in order to try and save their children from blacks;

The hundreds of billions of dollars whites continue to pay for old money pit programs (pre-school, etc.) for blacks, and the constant new ones (see above);

Having to pay for multiple black kids, for every one of their own, since blacks refuse to pay for their own; and

Missing work, due to being beaten, raped, maimed and murdered by blacks.

20 11 2017

Now that ungrateful father of those black punks thieving in China is bashing Trump and thinks the stealing was just “boys being boys.” Most decent whites probably were hoping Trump would leave them over there so the Chinese could punish them in ways we only wished we could were it not for liberals. Champaign IL has been completely invaded by this useless, unemployable black biomass Rahm and Company are slowly pushing out of Chicago. (Welfare Queens and their criminal brood are being encouraged to hop a train or Greyhound on the Amtrack-I57 corridor for other pastures where their government check will go a lot further and all the towns down along it are experiencing a crimewave from these unwanted newcomers.) As a result the Champaign Walmart now closes at midnight instead of being open 24 hours due to leakage from all the shoplifting “boys being boys.” Wouldn’t it be great to send every one of these thieving negroes off to prison for 10 years like the Chinese instead of a slap on the wrist? Not to mention even the ones who do pay for their stuff “borrow” a shopping cart to transport their stuff home, you literally see dozens of shopping carts left next to the fence at the path into the ghetto. As a result of such uncivil behavior some stores are putting an expensive electric fence into the carts, having the wheels lock up if they get too far from the store. I’d rather pay to lock up the thieves than the carts.

20 11 2017
Dr Duke

Sad. I can remember when Champaign was nice.

I know the criminal syndicate known as the U of I sports program floods the area with uncontrollable negros. I wonder how many stay in the area after they flunk out or finally get kicked off the team for repeated criminal convictions?

Even the ones that leave tend to knock up a white girl or 2 while they are “studying” at the university.

If that wasn’t bad enough the University turns out Hordes of SJWs every year.

21 11 2017

For niggers, any excuse will do. The one thing not on the list was the old stand-by– racism.

24 11 2017

It’s like the parable of the 13 blindfolded people describing the elephant.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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