Relax, It’s Not Me.

5 12 2017

Guest post by Puggg

I’m sure you all saw it by now.

I live in Arnold, and only a short distance from the scene, where 141 ends at Jeffco.  But APD is not my agency, JCSD is.

This is precisely the reason why our Blogmeister and I exchanged internet account information several years back, because I always thought that if one of us would have been needed like this, it would have been him keeping me up, and not the other way around.  Because I always feared, and in fact, even still do even though I’m now a detective, that someone who really doesn’t want to be arrested is going to do the worst.  This, today, could have been me.

But it better not be me, and nothing really serious better happen to me, because if both Blogmeister and I are out of commission, neither one of us can do anything for the other.



9 responses

5 12 2017
Hard Right

GREENPOINT, BROOKLYN — Police are hunting for the masturbating burglar who tried to rob a Greenpoint coffee shop last week.

The hands-on burglar began to masturbate as he stared at a 20-year-old cashier inside The Lot Radio on 17 Nassau Ave. on Nov. 21 around 10:50 a.m., said police.

5 12 2017
Alex the Goon

Police are hunting for the masturbating burglar, but to be honest, are hoping it’s someone else who catches him.

5 12 2017

O’Connor is the same age I am, 44. He’s been LEO for almost as long as I have. That combined with how close all this happened to where I live, and of course that it happened in my county, is why I’m taking this personally. Oh how close this could have been to being literally me.

It was all a matter of the burglar having a second gun on his person in a way that O’Connor was not able to find just through patting him down. The burglar died within the last few hours. O’Connor will probably have to go through several surgeries. Both were taken to St. Anthony’s, which of course is where a certain someone we all know and love was taken on the evening of July 19, because the accident scene was close enough to Holy Tony’s, but his rehab is somewhere else, not there. Suspect is a frequent flier, including four times with the DOC, and while I don’t remember him by name or face from my jail guard days, I am certain we met numerous times during those days.

We’ve been called on, so now I’ve got my hands full for probably a few days and gonna have my self a time trying to unwind through all this. I bet that this could be such a crucial case that it winds up changing the way we LEOs the world over pat down arrestees, this I bet will wind up being academy material.

5 12 2017

Norm, I’ve got my sail foam and a radio in bed with me. I heard about this all day on the radio news on KMOX. All I could think about was what you must be thinking. I knew you’d have a few things to say here. So I knew I just had to push myself and write a comment here on what I knew would be your post about it. Even though I’m sick as two dogs together.

All I can say is that life has a way at this age of knocking our immortality fantasies out of us. We didn’t turn out to be as invincible as we thought. Real life doesn’t give you the option of a question mark block with a star inside.

5 12 2017

Hey you, get back in bed.

Though you probably wrote that from the bed, I keep forgetting we can do that these days.

Well then, don’t get out of bed.

Though you’ll need to a few times a day, and we all hope that you can get out of bed because it isn’t good to be stuck in a bed.

Okay then, don’t worry yourself about this. Just take care of yourself and get better. One thing I know for sure 100% is that this creep won’t be able to hurt or bother anyone else, ever again. He got the sendoff sorts like him deserve. The bad part is that a colleague with the APD is on the brink and even if he lives his vitality might be gone.

6 12 2017

He’s made it out of surgery, but he’s nowhere near out of immediate danger, and then there’s the long term.

St. Anthony’s Hospital.

You know, I’m feeling that deja vu sense. Only difference is that our Blogmeister never needed surgery.

The creep’s so called fiancee is running around saying that she could have never imagined her 4-time loser soon to be husband (if she isn’t lying about the fiancee part) could have done anything like that. Because it’s so unlikely that guys who’ve been to the state pen 4 times would have it in them to shoot a cop. I can’t say much, but from what I hear, this so called fiancee is a real piece of work herself.

6 12 2017

Stay safe Puggg! I have a lot of respect for police. My cousin in law is an officer also. On Thanksgiving morning, an officer in my state was killed by a hit and run. The man who ran him down was a white man who claimed to be God. The police officer was only 50. :( he most likely didn’t know what hit him since he was putting up some kind of lights (flares?) on the street to help stop a fleeing car.

7 12 2017

I’ve got a real bad feeling about the coming night.

13 12 2017

Please stay safe Puggg. I have all the respect in the world for our police & correction officers. Brave guys like you keep knuckleheads like me safe from the sick predators. Thank you.

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