Take My Advice

2 06 2024

Your Blogmeister’s German Desk

I have an announcement.

These next two months were going to be very light (June) and none at all (July) on social and blog posting.

However, I’ve gotten what I believe to be some really good and compelling advice from “certain people” to start in on a relatively long period of as total as possible radio silence.

More than that, I cannot say.

What it means is that you’re going to hear next to nothing from me on any medium, the socials, my blog, comments on other platforms, until probably early next year.

Once I come back, my life is going to be a lot different than it is now, one way or another.

You might be able to take that as a hint.

If anything extremely drastic happens to me personally, either I or trusted people will find a way to let you know. Otherwise, presume that I’m okay.

Godspeed, everyone.

Radio silence begins, now.



5 responses

3 06 2024
David In TN

I assume it’s all right if I weigh in here occasionally.

It seems Bragg really wants to send Trump to Riker’s Island on July 11.

Best of luck.

4 06 2024

Go right ahead. Norm will most likely post open threads from time to time.

4 06 2024
David In TN

I always notice serendipity. Right after the news about Trump being sent to Riker’s Island, Carlito’s Way was on one of the movie channels.

In it, Sean Penn’s crooked lawyer character inveigles Al Pacino as Carlito trying to go straight ex-criminal character into helping a Mafia boss escape from Riker’s Island. Penn double crosses the Mafia by killing the boss and his son.

In Carlito’s words, “I know them Italians. I’ve worked with them. They can read this one with their eyes closed.”

Penelope Ann Miller played Carlito’s girl friend, a wannabe Broadway actress doing strip clubs. If they ever release the Reagan movie (they say August 30) Penelope Ann plays Nancy Reagan.

She’s tall with long legs, unlike Nancy.

6 06 2024
David In TN

Here (https://www.nationalreview.com/2024/06/in-memory-of-justice/) is a NRO article by Andrew C. McCarthy lamenting what has happened to the American justice system.

“Manifestly, the point of the porn star’s testimony was to humiliate Trump. Manifestly, the point of the prosecution was to enable Joe Biden to call his opponent a convicted felon from now through November 5.”

“What happened in Manhattan was monstrous. The fallout of is the antithesis of a constitutional republic that presumes innocence, imposes the burden of proof on the state, venerates the due-process rules, and guarantees equal protection of law. The antithesis is now the norm. Regardless of what happens to Donald Trump, all of us will live to regret it.”

Samuel Francis predicted this eventuality decades ago.

In a subsequent NRO piece, McCarthy seems to expect the possibility that Trump might be sent to Rikers Island.

When the Blogmeister told us an Augustus will be needed, I wonder if he was referring to a man currently holding a Senate seat from the Blogmeister’s home state.

9 06 2024
David In TN

The head of Cuck Dynasty whines in his NY Times column (nytimes.com/2024/06/09/opinion/presbyterian-church-evangelical-canceled.html) about being canceled by the Presbyterian Church due to “race and politics.”

French has been attacking his church for years.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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