What Of Your Precious Forest Park

22 09 2006

Mayor Slay notes today that the plan to build a new city dog pound at Ellendale Park might be jeopardized by the ballot initative, started by those who opposed the BJC expansion onto the west side of Kingshighway into Forest Park, that would require public votes on the dispensation of public park lands.

The more pertinent question is this:  Why does the left wing in this town fuss about a hospital wanting to expand into the far eastern section of Forest Park, and fuss about 12 feet of the southern end that might have been taken for widening Highway 40, when Slay’s predecessor in Room 200, Clarence Harmon, would have seen Forest Park turned almost upside down to tunnel Metro Link underneath it, and the pro-FP lefties had no complaints?

The pic above is the St. Louis Art Museum, which is entirely within Forest Park.  FP also complains the entirety of the St. Louis Zoo, Missouri Historical Society, the Jewel Box (botanical sudatorium), the Municipal Opera (“Muny”), the St. Louis Police Department’s equestrian stables, and about half the St. Louis Science Center.

