More Useless Drones

15 10 2006

The United States of America is not the only place where pandering politicians prescribe aerial drones as a copout for a racial problem.

The Merseyside, England, UK Police Department wants to use them to survey anti-social behavior and hooliganism at the city’s public housing projects.

In both situations, the American southern border and Merseyside’s public housing, the problem is obvious: Non-white criminality. And the drones won’t tell us anything more than we already know from authorities who have their feet planted on terra firma. But the drone plans are a way for politicians and political types (on both sides of the Atlantic) to pretend to an outraged public that they’re doing something, when it reality, they are doing nothing, and are too scared to do what really needs to be done, in fear of the equality commissars.



2 responses

30 10 2006
Where Did I Put That Box Of Bandages? « St. Louis CofCC Blog

[…] It would be a bandage on a hemorrhage.  In my mind, talking about that is a cop-out, similar to advocating unmanned aerial drones as a method of border security or crime deterrence.  If her solution came to pass, it would be like losing a cup of water from Lake Michigan — what corporate America makes from cheap labor is far more than the extra tax burden that Claire McCaskill wants to restore for them. […]

21 05 2007
Merseyside Drone Update « St. Louis CofCC Blog

[…] a follow-up to this story on Merseyside, England’s town authorities using drones to spy anti-social behavior in the […]