Thursday’s Junk

20 01 2011

*  Pardon me.  But you dismiss weed usage as a “choice” akin to picking out boxes of cereal in the supermarket, you advertise weed as having “medicinal value,” (when the medicinal compounds have already been isolated into a prescription drug called Marinol/Dronabinol), you support most if not all efforts to legalize the stuff and/or make it less of a criminal offense, you vote for politicians who will either de jure or de facto legalize it (Brown/Newsom/Harris), you want amnesty and open borders so that the peddlers and manufacturers of this stuff have easy passage across the fiction formerly known as the Mexican border, and you demand the increased neutering of law enforcement, under the guise of “civil rights,” to preclude the enforcement of the fewer and fewer laws concerning weed you would have left on the books.  And then you turn around and wonder why half the students in your high school are doing weed, such that you’re going to sell dope tests to parents for a quarter on the dollar.  It’s amazing to me that the whole damned school isn’t doing weed at this rate, it’s a miracle that it’s only half.

*  MTV has a new show called Skins.  It’s an American version of a British import, which purports to chronicle the sex lives of relatively well-to-do high school students from prosperous backgrounds.  In other words, it’s just like CW’s Gossip Girl, only with what is feared to be illegal depictions of the nudity and sexual relations of underage individuals.

If what they’re saying about Skins is true, then what grinds me is that it’s nowhere near true — High school students aren’t that hypersexual or promiscuous.  To the extent that today’s teenagers are perhaps looser in their personal conduct than they should be, Skins is only going to lure them into a false sense of superiority and smugness.  I think the same way about shows like Maury Povich — If you ever watch one of these shows, don’t you ever come away feeling better about yourself because your life isn’t as rotten as what you’ve seen in the last hour?  And if your life could stand to use some improvement, in all honesty, I think these shows like Maury and Springer and Wilkos (all of them come from the same Stamford, Connecticut studio now) subconsciously dissuade you from doing that, because you’re constantly being pumped with the baseline of the lowest common denominator.  In fact, you can let your personal situation slip a bit, and you won’t mind because you’re still better off than the average guest on one of those shows.  Most of whom are fake, IMHO.

The American public isn’t so receptive towards China as is the inside-the-beltway ruling class.  I think it might have something to do with the paucity of well paying manufacturing jobs in the United States, but that’s just a guess on my part.  Either way, us Americans can bitch all we want — As long as we keep running to Big Box Mart and shoveling up their China crap at those everyday low prices guaranteed, our actions will belie our words.

There is a bridge that goes over the Delaware river between Trenton, New Jersey and Morristown, Penn. with the neon letters, “Trenton Makes, The World Takes” alone one side of the structure.  The letters were added there about 100 years ago as a tribute to Trenton’s once upon a time manufacturing prowess — As Trenton was once within 75 miles of one-tenth of the country’s population, Trenton was once a good place to make things.  The sign is still there, but it might as well be a cruel joke — The only thing Trenton makes anymore is felony corruption indictments and phony politicians.  Now the slogan is China Makes, Wal-Mart Takes.

The Brett Favre of Australia.

The four-letter dumps almost a third of a gigabuck on the University of Texas to be the exclusive TV home of many of its sporting events.

Pardon me, but isn’t UT part of a conference?  Yeah, I know, it’s called the Greater University of Texas Conference, otherwise known as the Big 12 Minus 2.

This deal indicates to me that what’s left of the Big 12 isn’t long for this world.

*  This story involves a member of the last Rams team that went to the Super Bowl.

A Florida court is ordering that he hawk his conference championship ring in order make his ex-wife’s divorce lawyers happy.  He says that the “justice system is a farce.” Maybe to you, it is, but to your ex’s lawyers, it’s working just fine.  The only bright side is that Kurt Warner’s throwing arm thumb was all borked up that postseason, or you’d be having to sell a Super Bowl ring.

Wonderful.  Get back to me in five years with the test scores.  I’m guessing they won’t be so hot.

John Boehner’s favorables up 8, disfavorables down 9, since he became Speaker.  This means that about 8.5% of the people cry on a dime.

