
21 01 2011


Oakland 2nd Graders Reportedly Engage In Sex Acts, Teacher Suspended

A teacher at Oakland’s Markham Elementary School has been suspended indefinitely after school officials said a pair of second-graders performed sex acts on each other in class – with the teacher present.

“I think everyone is taken aback over this shocking incident,” Troy Flint, the spokesman for the Oakland Unified School District, told CBS 5. “Of course, it is hard to understand how that could have occurred.”

Flint said the sex acts incident was one of two separate cases under investigation involving the teacher; both incidents occurred last week in the same classroom but he said they didn’t come to the attention of school officials until Wednesday.

In one case, several students apparently took off their clothes and were naked in the classroom. In the second incident, a boy and girl reportedly engaged in oral sex in front of their classmates.

Flint indicated that the suspended teacher, whose name was not released by the school district, was present for both of the incidents.

Rush reacts:

Is it really that hard to understand?  I will take you back to the early nineties out on Long Island.  Routinely parents were inviting high school kids into their homes to have sex rather than the backseat of the car because it’d be cleaner and safer.  The schools have been using cucumbers to demonstrate condom deployment and who knows what else. Liberal school officials have been opposed to abstinence, claiming, “Kids are gonna have sex anyway! You can’t stop ’em.”  This is California.  I’m not being dishonest.  This does not surprise me.  Joycelyn Elders wanted to begin sex ed. in kindergarten, and she believed that masturbation was an appropriate form of birth control.  She wanted it taught.

You gotta demo it, folks, to teach it.  I mean, it got so bad that we were suggesting, “Why stop there? Why didn’t you just go ahead and give ’em a room in the school? Get the school nurse to get a bed in there, get a nightstand, and put a pack of cigarettes on it for when they finish.”  I’m not kidding when I tell you this doesn’t surprise me.  This has a natural progression if it’s not stopped.  Let’s see: “[A] pair of second-graders performed sex acts on each other in class.” (interruption) Now, Snerdley — the well known sexologist, geologist, biologist — says, “But boys can’t work in the second grade.”  Tell that to this class. (interruption)  Who cares…? Snerdley, it doesn’t matter if technically anything worked.  (interruption)

The effort was clearly there? (interruption) Where are these kids getting it? (interruption)  You ever…? (interruption)  Well, now, you’re getting above my pay grade.  Snerdley, wants to know: “How do a boy and girl in the second grade know how to do it?”  What is a “Lewinsky”? (interruption)  Okay, a Lewinsky is oral sex — which, according to Clinton and a bunch of other people “is not really sex” because there’s no intercourse.  So what’s the big deal here anyway?  I’m just telling you what the left has said.  I’m just telling you it’s how they defended Clinton. “It’s not really sex.” Have you ever…? Snerdley, you watch movies and television shows.  You think second graders don’t get into R-rated movies or don’t see ’em somehow, or worse?  Clearly these two knew what was going on — and the teacher.  I doubt that this was a learning exercise for the teacher.

So it seems to me all these students were doing was showing that they were paying attention in kindergarten sex ed class.

The first comment on the webpage of the local eyeball news website version of this story asked:

wt…??? oral sex between 2nd graders???

And as you can read, Rush’s Chief of Staff, Mr. Snerdley, said:

But boys can’t work in the second grade.

Time for some facts of life.

I was once a prepubescent boy.  A long time ago, granted, but I was once one.

Let me put it metaphorically — The car can be out on the driveway, and you can pop the hood open to look at the engine, but there’s no gas in the tank.

Even before puberty, boys can and do achieve that temporary increase in dimensions.  All the hard wiring for that is present — The blood vessels, the receptive nerves and sensors on the organ.  All puberty does is to get an adjoining feature of the anatomy to kick in with its plasma-based contribution as the denouement to that act.

So, what happened in that classroom is that the boy did indeed experience an increase in dimensions, and the girl did partake of the organ with her mouth.  The only difference is that the boy was too young to emit the plasma and achieve a real orgasm.

