Saturday Wrap-Up

22 01 2011

Remember when elected and police officials in East St. Louis blamed St. Louis thugs for being the cause of ESL’s crime?

Show them this.  Seems like the problem goes both ways across the river.

Or maybe, just maybe, the river is irrelevant.  It’s not a matter of where the river is, it’s where the blacks are.

*  John Carney, who only has a successful radio career in St. Louis because he chose the right father, certainly not for any talent on his own, is leaving KMOX.  The suits for Infinity/CBS’s St. Louis operations want him out of the way during the 10p-1a slot before the upcoming baseball season (remember, Cards back to KMOX this season), so that the late evenings can be used for post-game and caller reactions.  But they’re not showing Carney the door — They will let him stay at One Memorial so he can make the lateral move to Fresh Never Frozen 102.5, as their new morning drive “personality.”

Now, Jim Doyle never had any talent, either.  But he was classy in his untalentedness.  He had the kind of voice that made it more tolerable to listen to the “at work” station on your way to work, if that was your cup of tea.

But, IMHO, Carney is going exactly where he belongs.  Hell, he just might be able to fill in for Delilah on occasion.

Michael Moore is officially dumber than he looks.  What that means is that I have finally come to the conclusion that he is that dumb.

He must not realize that the NRA was founded after the WBTS because union soldiers were such poor shots, that the postwar Federal government feted the formation of an organization to help cure that little malady.

Oh, and Rachel Maddow?  You see what happened to Keith Olbermann last night.  Comcast has a special name for you — “Next.”

Someone sticks a gun in your face and wants you to give money to Obama.  In America, we call them the IRS.

*  Paul Ryan is going to give the “official” response to President Obama’s SOTU speech on Tuesday.  However, Michele Bachmann is going to have an alternate response, sponsored by the Tea Party Express.

I think her motivations for doing an unofficial response at the same time as the official response is as much Machiavellian as it is advancing public policy ideas — Bachmann is firing an arrow across Boehner’s bough.  Don’t go wobbly, John, ’cause look at what I can do, take about 90-100 House Republican members out of the Republican Party and give the gavel back to Nancy Pelosi.

Christiane Amanpour “logic” — The people who assassinated JFK and RFK in the 1960s had access to a weird form of physical manipulation, and were able to access the “vitriolic” media climate of five decades into the future through a wormhole, and allow that to work them up into a fit of rage and hate against people named Kennedy.

Comcast, buy ABC.  Quickly!

Considering the way he left this world, the name of the school he attended was tragically ironic.


And some headlines.


Reuters:  Exclusive: GE CEO says equal access in China crucial

Sure.  GE wants to sell 1.3 billion people the rope they’ll use to hang every last one of us.

4:  No arrests made after Eureka High School student brings rifle, bullets to school

KMOV’s motto:  If it doesn’t bleed, it leads.

5:  Sens. Durbin and Kirk to sit together during State of The Union

Why shouldn’t two Democrats sit together?

AP:  Feds arrest over 100 in NY-NJ mob takedown

The movie will hit the theaters in the summer of 2013.

Daily Mail:  Make me a movie star, Dad! Willow Smith ‘to play orphan Annie in remake’

Yeah, dad.  You just had to make a mockery of the Karate Kid franchise for your son, so fairness only demands that you sully something else for your daughter.

CNS:  Philadelphia Mayor: Federal Tax Dollars Should Be Used For City Projects

I wonder which city he’s thinking of.

KTVT-CBS-11 Dallas:  Proposed Bill Would Create Domestic Violence Registry

I am guessing it will rarely be needed to cross-reference with a wedding registry.

The Blaze:  New Tone: Joan Rivers Calls Sarah Palin a ‘Nazi,‘ Bristol ’Stupid’

C’mon Joan.  Go all the way.  Call the rest of her kids “Stupid Nazis.”

