Francis I

13 03 2013

Vatican City


White man, ethnic Italian.  Yes, he’s from a South American country, but no, he is not a liberation theologist.  The online encyclopedia of questionable credibility claims he toyed with LT in his younger years but quickly distanced himself from it.

Considering the overtly non-white alternatives, I’ll take it.

His Papal name seems to be derived from St. Francis of Assisi.  (UPDATE:  Or, maybe from Francis Xavier.)  I would also imagine that in his home country and throughout the Spanish speaking world, he will be known as Francisco I.

What amazes me is the media — Somehow, they have it all figured out, that a white man who is an ethnic Italian who was just elevated to Pope is instantly going to make all the poor brown and tan Indos and Mezos of Latin America rich simply because he himself is from Buenos Aires.

I wonder what Obama was thinking as he watched this.  “Look at all those bitter clingers in St. Peter’s Square.  Yeah, you might be Pope, but I’m still the Messiah, beyotch.”

One more thing:  Now that the Cardinals have chosen the new Pope, they can now get back to Spring Training.



2 responses

13 03 2013

I would have sworn that the UN would have forced the election of a African voodoo Catholic Pope.

This was actually pretty smooth of The Church though. Elect an Italian from South America in response to the complaints that there had never been a Pope from South America or Africa.

13 03 2013

“I wonder what Obama was thinking as he watched this. “Look at all those bitter clingers in St. Peter’s Square. Yeah, you might be Pope, but I’m still the Messiah, beyotch.”

You got that right.

I would of bet dollars to dimes that either some obligatory black or Dolan would of been elected. I went to Selvidge jr. high just about a quarter mile from where Dolan grew up and just down the street from Holy Infant where he went to school (or taught?).

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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