Sunday Wrap-Up

22 09 2013


(Not so) model minority. Here’s how it turned out.

*  What did the surprise earthquake in Virginia three summers ago and the New Madrid fault have in common?  A lot.

*  “The governor said he’s had no specific conversations but noted state police are helping patrol in East St. Louis, another city that has its challenges with violent crime.”

That’s because ESL can barely afford its own rinky dink incompetent force of keystone cops.  And there’s that word again, “challenges.”  I’m starting to think that “challenges” is just the newest PC synonym for “black.”

Remember, this is Pat Quinn of swing the prison doors wide open fame.


She was her school’s “diversity teacher of the year,” and by golly, she did what diversity does.

BTW, lady, “the texts were sex therapy (for a 12-year old boy)” is not a very good defense even if you literally never touched him.

*  “And many of the 22 schools that the mayor showcased on Monday were in well-to-do neighborhoods or were highly selective in their admissions…

There’s your entire article, right there in that half sentence.   In fact, there’s your educational policy, right there.  It should put to bed forever the “good teachers good schools, bad teachers bad schools” my that garbage documentaries like Waiting for Superman peddle.

*  “He could have used a warning…He could have let him know that he did have a gun on his property and he would use it in self-defense.”

Except “he” was an elderly man facing a burglar, who he had to presume was much younger than himself, true as it turned out.  When you’re in that situation, you don’t give away the element of surprise which is otherwise on your side, because if you do and tell the intruder that you’re armed, he would probably shoot you the first moment he sees you.

That the deceased suspect has a relative that defends him so mindlessly should be an obvious clue to the racial identity of the suspect.  And that’s another correct supposition.

Here’s a sociological angle I’ve never considered:  When you live in a culture that so wussified that it can’t tolerate a little bit of danger, what you end up with is a Federal government so big that the richest counties in the country are surrounding its capital.

*  Yowza boss, because who are going to believe?  Oberlin’s press releases or your own lying eyes?  You know that in this society, you’re not allowed to notice things.  Verboten.

No propaganda images of white men at ObamaCare exchanges.  That seems to be more of a blessing than a curse.

*  Julian Castro, the future of Texas and of America, is facing a recall effort to get recalled from his rinky dink hardly-any-pay no-real-responsibility job back home in San Antonio.

*  When he runs for President, you’ll surely hear Krispy Christie brag about being tough on terrorism when he was Bush’s U.S. Attorney for northern New Jersey.

Okay, so why has CAIR given him their seal of approval for all intents and purposes?

Misspellings, Ebonics, talk about “pimps” and “mobsters” in Commune Core.  Gee, I wonder which demographic Commune Core is designed to appeal to.


The Sudanese and Somalians in New Zealand are five times as likely as native born New Zealanders to be involved in crime.  Remember that Maori constitute many of those “native born.”

*  “The main beneficiaries are from India, Pakistan, Nigeria, China and the Philippines.”

Whatever it is, no white country would be dumb enough to it.  Would one?


What if he did build such a backdoor?  It’s not as if someone wouldn’t have seen it while looking at the source code.

Yeah, this 1.75 billion year figure is probably true, even though it’s a highly subjective supposition.  But at the rate we’re going, intelligent life on Earth doesn’t have nearly this long, that is, as long as the intelligent life we do have continues to believe in such tripe like racial equality and our diversity is our strength.

Don’t gush over Lumbee Indians too much.  A pair of them murdered Michael Jordan’s father.  Hint:  He was murdered in a North Carolina city named Lumberton.



One response

22 09 2013

If I was a Chicago cop, I’d be pissed that my state’s Governor doesn’t think I’m good enough, especially this Governor, the King of the Early Parole. Quinn wants to bring in the NG in reaction to this thing at that park with 13 victims. I don’t see what good the NG would have done to prevent that if they were already there. That deal at that park was the result of two different gangs going after each other. Are you going to give the NG the power to do stop question frisk like the NYPD? If so, why not give that power to the regular cops?

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