Everything Is

30 10 2013



………. thinks that the only reason people are aghast over ……….

………. ……….

………. is, well, you guessed it.

Remember, everything is either racist or causes cancer.  I know because a secret squirrel told me.





One response

30 10 2013

If this were a military action and people on the other side of the battlefield saw this kind of pandemonium, it would be considered an act of treason as betraying panic to the enemy.
That would be serious and would be dealt with accordingly.
As is, shrug, it’s black and black is the NFL. Which is still just a game.
Blacks are natively this way, they cover it up by playing all nice and schmarmy to get ‘inside’ white’s aversion defense arc and then as soon as you treat them like equals in a social circle which requires give and take as acceptance that not agreeing with them simply because ‘they say so’ is part of having the right to hear several opinions.
All pretense of civility is dropped.
To be fair, it’s not entirely white predative. I notice this a lot in black on black encounters too. What starts as a ‘discussion’ about a topic quickly degrades to a back and forth struggle to ‘hear whadam sayin?’ establish dominance that quickly underlines how little the subject itself matters to them as the conversation wanders all over the place and yet always returns to wanting victory by lateralism as by _any other means_. Which is why blacks ‘jus be talkin’ quickly leads to blacks being violent. I often doubt if they understand it, fully, even amongst themselves.
If it weren’t so absurdly confrontational, it would be womanish for it is exactly the same immature tangentialist approach to debate, doped with testosterone rather than estrogen angst as frustruation with their own lack of reason.
To which I would add that Witten’s behavior is no better, I have zero pity for a white man who plays a black man’s game and then chitters back at the chimpout.
If I have some /understanding/ it is for the black coach who tries to calm down a rampaging animal whose actions could easily turn violent. This is not a case of it being a ‘gravitasse required’ condition as the reviewer suggests because when they are like this, blacks wouldn’t listen if Michael King himself came from on high to whisper sternly in their ear.
The only thing which would stop this is 2-3 bigger-bleepers hauling this manchild off for a shower and even that would likely end in a punchout which Bryant would at least, resentfully, lose.
You would have no less predictable a result from juggling liquid nitro glycerine as trying to rationally insist that this person listen to reason.
As neither of these players show any dignity as respect for what football once meant and since nobody will admit what the infusion of black ‘talent’ to a sport which was once all about a concept that players were privileged to be on the field to represent what is best in _US_, as a people, has done to the legitimacy of the institution, let me spell it out bluntly:
Football is a GAME for which the contest is secondary to the struggle to play with honor that skill not muscle might prevail in a trial for which the depth of character brought out by the hardship faced by each side matters as much if not more than the outcome.
There is nothing more to be said here except that it is time to stop watching what no longer elevates but rather debases us all down to the levels of the steroided creatures we have hired to replace men.
Did we have our own secessionist ethno-homeland, we could have a league of white sports where having the right to enter tourney with your best opposite meant having the dignity of a knight entering a battle where all looked up to you.
To lead, by example.

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