Quick and Dirty Debate Observations

6 08 2015


Mostly platitudes, a little bit of excitement, a few good one-liners.  I don’t think there was a singular winner, because with ten people on stage and only two hours less commercials and moderators taking up 31% of the time, there wasn’t enough time for any one person to separate himself from the rest of the pack.


Doesn’t like Rosie O’Donnell, can get out of any bind, so it seems, but doesn’t like to say “bankruptcy.”  I wish he knew about the Mex gov’t comic books for northward “travelers.”


“Jeb Smith” would have been on the JV stage earlier this afternoon.


My telling you that he once ran House Budget and was responsible for the last balanced budget we had would have been the ninth time tonight you were told about that.


Pimps, prostitutes and drug dealers are going to save Social Security.


In 2007, Joe Biden’s running joke about Rudy Giuliani is that all of his public statements “involved a noun, a verb, and 9/11.”  Christie is going to be the Muh 9/11 candidate.


He forces his voice to sound oratorically soaring, but it sorta flops.  He could have easily beaten Christie in the NSA contretemps by noting that all the spying we had now we had before 9/11, yet it didn’t prevent 9/11.


In a truly just world, he would have spent the nine o’clock hour tonight at Hopkins Med finishing a critical brain surgery on a child, and then going out to the waiting room to tell his or her very worried parents that their son or daughter came through with flying colors and will be alright.  He would not be a serious Presidential candidate.


The GPS is broken, so he’s somewhere, but damned if he knows where.


Showed why we pop-nat racial rightists don’t trust him any farther than we can throw me – Said that if all 7 billion people on Earth came here legally, that would be okay, but if they came here illegally, that would be an example of Obama’s fundamental transformation.  WTF?  And also, Jerusalem.


I think his mind must have gotten sidetracked on Packers training camp.



9 responses

7 08 2015
SoCal Patriot

“Donald Trump…I wish he knew about the Mex gov’t comic books for northward ‘travelers’.”

He’ll know now:



Here are some additional examples of the Mexican government’s longstanding agenda to flood our country with their surplus population:



7 08 2015
SoCal Patriot

I mistakenly added an ‘s’ to ‘guiamigrante’ in the first link.

Here is the corrected url:


I apologize for my initial error.

8 08 2015
SoCal Patriot

Right on cue:

“Trump Is Right: Mexico ‘sends’ Illegals North” August 7,2015

“Rich Lowry,Cuckservative Enforcer,Wrong (As Usual) On Trump And Mexico” by Peter Brimelow,August 7,2015

7 08 2015

Set these links to the Trump campaign? If you don’t, I will. I’d love to see him hold up some copies of these things on a stage somewhere. Seriously.

Overall I think Trump did fine. His greatest challenge now is to keep the fire stoked while assuring people he IS the guy we want with all that power. Without morphing into a talking point fountain, he now needs to work on showing how savvy he can be.

Yeah, it’s a tightrope act but he did well last night, resisted baiting. Baiting Trump was likely the prime tactic of his opponents – hoping for a meltdown. Trump seemed to understand…

8 08 2015
SoCal Patriot

If you know of a way that I can send these links directly to Mr.Trump himself,which would reassure me that he actually received and studied them, then please let me know.

7 08 2015
SoCal Patriot

“Jeb Bush”

Jeb,in addition to being his typically disingenuous self,seemed to be quite agitated last night.But that was probably the result of him being distracted with thoughts of rushing home to bang the frumpy Mexican midget that he’s married to.

“Rand Paul”

Angry,bitter and petty.

What a sad,sad man.

“Marco Rubio”

Jeb’s evil apprentice.

“Ted Cruz”

In light of Ted’s thoughtless boosterism in favor of mass legal immigration,it is worth recalling what Steve Sailer has written in regards to the pernicious effects that so-called “White Hispanics” have had on our country’s culture and immigration policy:

“the example of Miami shows that a big influx of white Latino immigrants would pose a more immediate threat to American culture than the same number of mestizo or mulatto immigrants.White Cubans were able to Hispanicize Miami in a generation. In contrast,in three generations the mestizos of San Antonio still haven’t been able to get themselves organized enough to take over that city politically.”

— “Pondering Patterson [II]: OK,How White Are Hispanics?” by Steve Sailer,May 25,2001

A vote for Ted Cruz is a vote for the Hispanicization of the United States of America.

“For Ted Cruz,Legal Immigration Cannot Be Questioned,But Scott Walker Is Still Questioning It” by Allan Wall,April 25,2015

7 08 2015
SoCal Patriot

“Pondering Patterson [II]: OK,How White Are Hispanics?” by Steve Sailer,May 25,2001

7 08 2015

There’s Trump and there’s everyone else. DT has singlehandedly forced immigration into the Overton window. He is a much bigger force of nature than any other candidate, and handled the attack questions with aplomb. He won’t be forced into PC tropes, and this drives the establishment nuts. At this point, I suspect that GOP is getting a whiff of grapeshot and doesn’t much like it.

Cruz did alright but has a untrustworthy quality to him; Christie is a fat, Northeastern ethnic who must be in it to skim campaign funds. Carson is an admirable man who has no place in politics. Jabe is two hundred pounds of refried beans wearing a pair of glasses.

It’s also pretty clear that Fox is cucking for Bush and Rubio’s policies, and has a strong pro open-borders policy.

7 08 2015
Joshua Sinistar

Trump looks like the spoiler who will play the Perot position if Hillary doesn’t croak or get indicted by Othello’s gay bro. Still I don’t believe we’ll make it through 2016 with the status quo anyway. Did you hear? Bretton Woods is dead. The Chinese have a new bank to play with and the BRICs are gonna break the Fed like Bane broke Batman!

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