Fall Back Sunday Wrap-Up

1 11 2015

If you’re wondering?  I went for Halloween as a snarky lobbyist and public relations hack.


* They went on a beer run. First person to get that wins a gold star.

* A little bump in the road on our way to our niche future.

* They admit it’s really not going to do any good, so why are they doing it?  Because of good feelings.

* Yeah, so?  These same kind of people burned another QT down last year on the (false) rumor that its workers “snitched.”

* A peek into West County’s AFFH future.

* Yep, Fergaza Strip.  This happened in one of the apartment farms on the other side of West Florissant, behind the now world famous Ferguson Market.  “Shot by an unknown black male” is why this particular Ferguson homicide won’t become international nooze, unlike that other one.

* Chris Hayes, (Channel 2’s, not MSNBC’s), finally talks about the white elephant, that is, merging Highway and Water Patrol thereby putting highway men on water duty.

* Was Brian zealous?


* “Living, eating, breathing and sleeping gun violence.”  Okay, so what does that mean?  Every time ook plugs ook in Chicongo, this new six figure bureaucrat who works under Dodge Dart is going to find the nearest camera to bitch about ZOMG GUN!?


* As late as eight years ago, drivers licenses for illegal aliens was a political headache for and among Democrats.  Now, it’s the other way around.  One other thing — New York State is solidly blue, so much so that not even Trump is going to be able to bust through.  So, why bother with any of this?

* Could my eyes be deceiving me? Could this actually happen in San Francisco?  Could we actually see the start of a real immigration patriot liberal/left space in the country?  If so, it is an indication of my prediction about the niche-ization of American politics.

* American flag T-shirt in a school north of Sacramento — No way, can’t have it.  Because the star on it is close enough to a symbol used by a Norteno (northern Mexican) gang.  Okay, so how did it come to pass that there are Norteno gangs north of Sacramento?


* Of course I agree, it should be done, and they should throw in Lois Lerner.  Incidentally, his last name is Koskinen, and as you know this week, we St. Louisans celebrated the half century anniversary of the completion of a monument designed by one Eero Saarinen.  Who was, of course, Finnish.  And by Finnish, I don’t mean “Finns” as in our movement’s snarky circumlocution for Jews, and I don’t mean Finnish as in the powerful ethnic Swedish minority within Finland, e.g. Linus Torvalds.  I mean actual real true Finns.  So I wonder if Koskinen is Finnish ancestry.

Back to the point, I think we’re being thrown a bone with this impeachment threat in order to do a look squirrel for something else that already has happened that we don’t like or something they’re about to do.

* Is it Paul Ryan’s party, or is it K Street’s party?

The answer is yes.

* Zomg great Hispanic tidal wave!

* Fred Bauer, you really don’t understand your own profundity.

* Why would Obama appoint someone to boss over his own boss?

* Dey want deyselfs some attention.  And you gotta think that HRC is just eating this up.  This was at a Blacks for HRC event, and this will give her the opportunity to portray herself as somehow apart from BLM, even though she’s doing nothing but pandering to them.

* Ben Fields?  Oh no, sorry, wrong color.  So, rabbit hole.

* Who knew that California in the 2010s was Alabama of the 1910s?

* Only in Amurrika:  Trans black says that real black isn’t really black.

* Well, why not?  We’ve seen them slam dunk.

* Ctrl+F, “affirmative” yields no results.

* Ctrl+F, “affirmative” yields no results.

* Ctrl+F, “affirmative” yields no results.

* I like most of the points he makes, but I think he could have put a few of them better, even though I know he will never do that, because I know why he will never do that.  Like I wrote here last week, this is game theory.  I can say that because it sounds like the kind of scheme I would dream up.  With my Machiavellian self.

* Both teach and her daughter have got jungle fever.  What I find most hilarious about this whole thing, assuming the accuser is telling the truth, is that teach tried to intervene when the accuser wanted to break things off with the teach’s daughter by trying to convince him to convert to Catholicism.  The same teach who suborned all this premarital sex.


* Well, there’s a first for everything.

* Camp of the Saints, visualized.

* Well, I would hope soccc.  Rather, I’d wish this 52% approval rating was from the whole country.

* Allow me to translate:  The lamestream conservative center-right parties need to find some way to bafflegab and nuance their way around the issue, to dilute the “refugees,” and to do some sort of look squirrel diversion, and get people’s minds off the issue, or else the “far right” will gain, being mindful of the fact that the “far right” they’re all worried about isn’t quite as “far” as they’d like to put on; if they were actually that far out, or actually wanted to solve the problem, they would be legally prohibited from organizing, because never again, or something like that.


* I love my relatives, for the most part, and I’m very sad when one passes.  But I would rather not talk to machines.

* Here is something I think that has been a long time coming and very necessary:  A credible potent viable non-lethal firearms-type non-firearm self defense mechanism.

* He went AWOL?  Well, when they catch him, they’re going to throw him in the Brig for a few years.

Really, here’s all the proof that you need that we think of football as sublimated warfare, that it eats up a lot of our tribal-bellicose energy.

* The ramifications are unfathomable.  Light based computing would be bar none the invention of the 21st century.

* This is true for most people, but personally, I’m resigned to the reality that my voice is actually horrible.



3 responses

2 11 2015
Alex the Goon

2010 California == 1910 Alabama: “Black students in seventh, ninth and 11th grades were more likely to feel unsafe at school”
(1) California is the world’s #1 producer of cotton balls, (2) The trick is to keep them in 8th and 10th grades, where they do feel safe.
We’ve seen them slam dunk: “Teen Thug JUMPED THREE FEET HIGH on Head of Elderly Retired Cop”
Was that a true vertical leap, or like a hurdle where you bend your legs. If vertical, the judge might give him a choice of prison or [DEL]the Army[/DEL] his alma mater’s basketball team.
Danish-Kurdish-and-or-Kurdish-Danish woman loses passport for fighting against ISIS
She shoulda lied & said she was recruiting new refugees for Denmark.
Family members could be kept alive forever using social media history
Only idiots think it would be cool to be kept alive like this. In reality, some corporation will be exploiting their consciousness — forever, and with zero remuneration. As much as I’d like my hate to burn long after I’m gone, it’s MY hate, dammit. Get your own. And beyond that, they would figure out how to sponge off the intellects of dead mathematicians, physicists, doctors, lawyers, artists, programmers, telemarketers, customer service reps, poets and musicians. The abuses will be limitless.
Non-lethal pepper guns won’t be used in drivebys; they’ll be used in robberies. They shouldn’t be used by homeowners either. If you’re spiritually-unable to kill a home invader, you need a panic room or a coffin. We also don’t need to hear Mama Marqueefa complain that “Dey din hafta keel my baby. Dey coulda shoot him wif dat pepper gun.”

2 11 2015

The beer run story. 55 and Arsenal is right at the brewery.

2 11 2015

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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