Great Adventures In Clickbait

1 11 2015



Aw hell, I’ll humor ’em.

But, there’s a fly in the intersectional love fest ointment:

The retreat also challenges some more conservative Muslim practices, such as gender-segregated prayer spaces. “Mixed-gender congregational prayer is another aspect of the retreat that revolutionizes people’s practice of Islam,” Arshad said. This experience is especially significant for trans and genderqueer Muslims who have to navigate gender-segregated mosques—it can be stressful to choose where and when they pray, whether to wear hijab, and how to observe other customs. As one woman of trans experience, who writes under the pen name Mahdia Lynn, wrote in an essay for the website “Sisters from the masjid (the very same women who invited me into their homes and shared in iftars that Ramadan) talked about how disgusting these men-who-want-to-be-women are, swearing they’d never be allowed in our prayer spaces … Suddenly it became apparent that all that love and security I felt was entirely conditional.” At times, communities reject trans worshippers outright—as in recent cases in Arizona and the U.K.

World War T versus lesbian Muslims.  I keep forgetting to stock up on popcorn.

And there’s another thing — All the cis-gay Muslims mentioned here are women, lesbians.  Where are the gay men?  Except, I already know.



3 responses

1 11 2015
Great Adventures In Clickbait | ISMAIL MB

[…] Source: Great Adventures In Clickbait […]

1 11 2015
Alex the Goon

Where can they pray? I know one of them does it in the West Wing.
Suddenly it became apparent that all that love and security I felt was entirely conditional.” Be strong, Aisha. Be strong.

1 11 2015
Joshua Sinistar

These people can’t be this stupid. It takes less than five minutes on a search engine to find out the homosexual community in Islam is underground. LITERALLY.
Its not KKKrazy glue holding this Mos Eisley of Scum and Villainy together dude. Its Uncle Sugar and the free shit. When the EBT card runs out, they are going to be at each others’ throats like sharks that smell blood in the water. The White Man doesn’t run this System and that’s why its gonna ALL FALL DOWN.

It's your dime, spill it. And also...NO TROLLS ALLOWED~!

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