Terrorism Works

2 11 2015

Washington, D.C.


An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

You’re welcome, but then that makes you wonder why they keep telling us over and over again that “terrorism doesn’t work” and “don’t let the bad guys win.”  When plainly it does and they have.



3 responses

2 11 2015
Martin X

In a similar manner, you can say that whites are attacked, ridiculed, lampooned and demonized incessantly because they no longer feel they have the moral authority to defend themselves. And so they don’t. Therefore they will continue to be attacked and marginalized because most whites won’t even verbally defend themselves or their race, much less pay someone a visit in person.

How many of these brave anti-white media personalities that openly say the future will be better when there are no more white people or white nations, white genocide, would say the same thing about Muslims, or blacks or Hispanics or Asians or anybody else for that matter?

Weakness invites attacks. Thankfully the white immune system is getting stronger and more resistant, for example, Mike Cernovich humiliating Seth Rogan on twitter.

2 11 2015

Black riots are a very soft, crude, impulsive and disorganized form of terrorism. Once again, we see that that form of terrorism works, because every time there is a black riot, someone writes some big check to someone else. This is why Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Marilyn Mosby really weren’t unhappy with, and in the case of the latter, encouraged, the riots in Baltimore in April. Because they knew that as a result, some white people would be writing some big checks for the city.

2 11 2015
Martin X

And how many other American cities that didn’t have riots and didn’t want to have riots have been bending over backwards to appease their local black leaders in order to avoid burning business districts. The very real threat of blacks burning cities has been hanging over America since the 60’s. Appeasement buys short term peace, but the longer term ROI is continues to be negative.

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